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Saw a cute sight this morning:

Was waiting to cross the road and saw this dog owner holding onto the paws of his doggie, who was standing on her hind legs and looking around innocently. Too bad my handpone's camera only take low-res photos, or else it would be clearer.
Mother of all Stressed DaysYou would have heard me say this these few days and today is the "mother of all stressed days". This being the last day of work before I go for my In-Camp Training, I was rushing against time to finish all my outstanding work and hand over to my colleague. In the end, managed to finish all but one and finally forced myself to leave for my cell group at 7pm. Didn't really managed to call my new volunteers to interview them so thought I would just drop them a mail to let them know I have received their applications and will call them when I return from In-Camp.
Leading ThanksgivingI promised my cell leader that I will lead the thanksgiving session today. Along the way to cell, I was still like thinking whether I made the wrong choice because the last time I led the intro session and it turned out to be, erm, quite boring. I prayed about it and asked God to guide me through. In the end, my prayer was answered. In fact, I didn't have to do much also because without much prompting, everyone shared their thanksgiving and testimonies and the session must have went on for some 20-30 minutes. This week must have been a blessed week because we had like some 10 people sharing their blessings one after another... from new jobs to blessings at work and personal life, this is just a week full of blessings. Amen!
Some of my cell group friends shared their thanksgiving for being accepted into the church choir. Hmm, seems like I won't even be called up for audition at all... been sometime since I last signed up but then have not heard from them. Anyway, I procrastinated about calling them up too and considering all the things I have on hand now: my work, my involvement in an upcoming association for volunteer coordinators, learning the guitar, doing the video editing for one of my organization's events, helping out in the social workers' advisory team in my church, still trying to minister to my friend who is in the JMS group and undergoing the "Being a Fisher of Men" course in church, I don't think I might have time to rest. So maybe, I will just leave it the way it is for now and will choose to worship God and bless others through other forms of ministry including my work etc.
For me, I shared two things: on how God has
watched over me and protected me and how He has also
blessed me at work. Indeed, to God be the glory.
On AppreciationTonight's cell discussion is on appreciation. First we were asked to recall a time we were appreciated. Hmm, this was indeed difficult but eventually I recall an ex-client of mine who have since passed on.
Now this client of mine happen to be an alcoholic and can get verbally and physically abusive despite his frail-looking body. He is notorious in the ward and all the nurses knew that he had a mind of his own and if anyone tries to make him do something... you would get a mouthful from him. I remember dreading to see him because he would always look at me with his yellowish eyes and talk to me in such a way which made me feel like I am not welcomed. I continue to work with him for a few months and when it come a time that he had to go home, I escorted him home. At that time, I had already tendered in my resignation and will be leaving the hospital and so I told him that I will no longer be seeing him; that another colleague of mine will take over his case. For once, he mumbled something and mentioned that he knows how much everyone has done for him and mumbled "thank you". That did come as a surprise to me because I would never have expected to hear these words from him.
As I shared this, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. May God be with him and may he rest in peace.
For the second exercise, we were asked to write down on one slip of paper words of appreciation for a chosen member of the cell group, another slip to someone who we have not appreciated for a long time and one last slip to God.
Every little thing you do can go a long way and it can be a blessing to another person. Little did I know that I have also blessed people in my little ways until I received 2 notes thanking me for sharing my experiences of how God is at work in people's lives. I was touched because in a way, I did not expect to receive any and didn't know that this little I did also had an impact on some people. I really thank God for using me to bless others and remember telling myself that I want to continue to be a blessing to others, if possible.
Gary Chapman's Five Love LanguagesNow, when was the last time you appreciated someone and used the language of love? For me, I am guilty because I can sometimes be so impatient with people and can just be quite nasty... Anyway, am trying to keep myself in check and be more gracious.
Gary Chapman says that the five love languages are Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch.
- Quality Time refers to spending time together meaningfully with someone. A challenge with our current hectic lifestyle but it nonetheless communicates valuing someone.
- Words of Affirmation speaks of acceptance, appreciation, encouragement, praise etc.
- Gifts can be bth material objects or just expression of your love and appreciation
- Acts of Service would mean giving a hand to someone when he/she needs it or just doing something for that person
- Physical Touch, according to some, are powerful and could include a touch on the arm or a hug
Just know how people would be most comfortable with being appreciated and shower them with the appropriate language of love.
Thumbs Up!After cell, the group, more than 10 of us, went to Simpang for supper... My friend drove me there and this is the first time I sat in a sports car and biy did he drive fast... could feel my whole body going backwards as the car went forth. Anyway, me very "sua ku" (mountain tortoise) ah, haven't been here before. Big Big market place with many things to eat but careful about "cross-ordering". According to my friends, they almost started a fight between the stall owners when they cross-ordered and the police even came :)
Now our cell had this funny practice and you would usually find people start putting their thumbs up when they food gets delivered because the last person to do it will say grace :) Hahaha surprisingly, some people (including myself), keeps forgetting. Anyway, luckily someone remindered me and up! went my thumb :)