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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 24, 2006


5-Days Long Weekends

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I have just been given a 5-days long weekend... well not really; had just fallen sick and has been given 3 days MC.

3 days ago, I was already feeling a little "flu-y" and as I made my way to a meeting in the afternoon in a taxi, I felt a little car sick and dizzy. After the meeting, I took the train back but remembered that I was dizzy and almost fainted a couple of times... something was just not right.

Wednesday morning, I felt so uncomfortable and so I decided to call in sick. Didn't manage to go to see a doctor until late morning after I finished a report I promised my boss, since she needed the information to report on it later in the day. The stubborn me just continued to work on the unfinished portion of the report from the previous day, despite my boss telling me to rest and that I can submit my report when I am better.

Poly or Private?
By this time, my ears were blocked and I still have these back aches and fainting spells occasionally. I made a decision that I am not going to visit the polyclinic given the recent experience in the hospital; I had brought my dad for his medical follow-up but ended up waiting for some 3 hours and not even knowing why we are waiting. I just somehow got so sick (pun unintended) of waiting so I decided to visit the private doctor's instead.

New or Old?
Then I had to make another decision. I had in front of me, two clinics... one modern-looking family clinic and one old looking clinic with an appearance and furniture that make you feel you were back in the 80s. Anyway, I chose the older looking one (don't ask me why). Maybe somehow I felt that the doctor might be more experienced and given that he/she is able to survive till this day would mean he/she is not that bad, right?

When I entered the clinic, I realized that there was no one at all and the furniture really looked like it was from some set of some 80s TV serials. There behind the counter, I saw this nurse who was deeply engrossed in his/her newspaper (could tell his/her gender). I tried to make my presence felt and she (turned out to be a lady nurse) turned around to attend to me. Was quite shocked to see her rather shabbily dressed in this T-shirt which had holes in them. I didn't expect to see a shabbily dressed nurse in a clinic. Right now, I was really thinking "why have I chosen to come to this clinic?". Anyway, I did eventually decide to stay even though I was told that the doctor is not around and that he will only return in 10 minutes.

While I sat and wait, I noticed the hand-written note at the counter which indicated the consultation fee but what caught my attention was "charges may vary and needy cases pay minimal". "Maybe this is a kind-hearted doctor", I consoled myself. Soon, a nice old gentleman came in and he entered the consultation room. So he is the doctor.

I was soon beckoned to enter the consultation room. Upon entering the room, I was again surprised to find the room sparsely decorated with just a table, two chairs, one examination bed, a sink and a fridge... it felt so... empty. Anyway, to cut a long story short... the doctor turned out to be a friendly person and chatted with me... he also seemed experienced and gave me my diagnosis soon after. He also take the time to really explain my diagnosis (maybe because he was really nice or maybe because he had no other patients). I had some acute viral bronchitis with flu. And I thought I just had flu.

Anyway, he soon told me that he is going to give me 2 jabs and give me medicine and asked if I can afford as the bill will come up to $100. I wasn't really needy nor rich but yet I wasn't really in a good state to think. So I said "OK" and was given two jabs; one on each arm and was also given my medication. Felt better but then soon realized I had another symptom... "heart pain ah"... $100. Anyway, my friend told me that I might have been fleeced. Well, I hope not... anyway, I did feel better and had 3 days of good rest.

The dizzy spells were finally gone by the third day and I thank God for the rest, although most of the time I did nothing but just laid down there on my bed. Occasionally, I did a bit of other stuff since I was also volunteering as a board member elsewhere and it was also a good time for me to catch up on my blogging.

Thank God I am OK.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Lessons on Volunteer Management from Church

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Someone has ever said this to me: Social service organisation seems to be the reverse of the church; in the former, staff forms the majority with volunteers being the minority while volunteers form the majority with pastoral and ministry staff being the minority. How true! Perhaps, we may have a thing or two to learn about volunteer management from the church but still recognizing that the two are uniquely different organisations serving the needs of two very distinctively different profile of people.

Being the curious me and one who have a keen interest in the practice of volunteer management, I seek to understand how particularly my church do it; the factors that might just be the right ingredients for a successful volunteer programme.

  1. Relationships & Bonds - I believe that this might be a fundamental "ingredient". If I were to be daring to make an assumption, I would say that everyone yearns to belong to communities and yearns to relate to one another. And relationships and bonds may just be the one thing that keep people "rooted" into a place. Thus, in order for a person to make the commitment to want to serve in an organisation, he/she must first feel that he/she has a stake there. He/she won't feel that they have a stake until he/she develops a sense of place and a sense of belongingness to the place. He/she will not be able to develop this sense of place and belongingness until he/she feels comfortably settled in the midst of similar-minded individuals with shared visions and purpose(s). Think cell groups and people serving in ministries.
  2. Opportunities - A simple demand and supply discussion. It is no point having people who would want to serve but have no avenues to serve. Think of the various ministries of the church and the various roles played by volunteers from the congregation.

    Opportunities would include:

    (a) Management Support - What is the management's belief of the role of volunteers in the organisation? What is their vision? Does it have a clear mission and vision and how can volunteers contribute to that? What is their volunteer management philosophy? Do they dedicate resources to the management of volunteers? What is the level of empowerment of volunteers?

    (b) Variety - As certain that we are all different and have different skills, interests, preferences, experiences, talents, motivations and expectations, there should also be a multitude of ways to serve, tapping on giftings. Think of the ushers and video crew in the church... some love to meet people and shake their hands, some prefer to avoid contact and support from behind the scenes. Some prefer to do something they are good in, some prefer to learn new skills. Some prefer to do things that they are familiar with while some prefer to do new things unrelated to their jobs.

    (c) Roles & Expectations - Are roles and expectations clearly spelled out so volunteers know what is expected of them, what is permissible and what is frowned upon? Are roles carefully carved out vis-a-vis staff's role to complement one another rather than compete against one another to cause tension and suspicion that volunteers are here to take over staff's "rice bowl"? Do volunteers know how their roles contribute to the organisation's vision and mission? Do staff understand the role volunteers play in contributing to the organisation's vision and mission? What is the level of empowerment of volunteers by staff? Are resources (e.g. training and mentoring) dedicated to help volunteers perform their roles? Think how the church decides what is done by staff and what is done by volunteers?

    (d) Communications - Opportunities may exist but how are these communicated? Is the mode of communication effective and reaching out to the right audience? Is the format easy to comprehend and user-friendly, catering to all groups? Is there a regular means of communicating opportunities to serve so people who decides to serve can readily find information on it? Think of the church bulletin and church announcements.

    Also think of marketing and branding. Is there a face to the volunteer programme? Is there a consistent identity that is being used? Is the branding image easy to understand and replicate? What is the extent of "word of mouth" marketing in place? "Word of mouth" marketing tends to be a more convincing form of marketing since testimonies are powerful and personalised. Think sharing of testimonies.

    (e) Motivators - Maslow states that everyone have needs. Does the management and staff recognize that everyone is unique and have different needs? Most times, volunteers are on lookout for intangible benefits e.g. sense of satisfaction, sense of belongingness, try and learn new things. Does management and staff recognize this and use this information to help structure volunteer assignments and in their interaction with the volunteers? Think of the life changes, spiritual and emotional support provided by the church. life change
  3. System - Once people are keen and committed to serve, there need to be a system to properly manage the work with volunteers. This would include tools, forms, policies, guidelines and workflows. Are there systems to manage the recruitment, selection, placement, retention & recognition, apparaisal, support, training and exit of volunteers? Are there mechanisms for feedback to refine systems? How open are management and staff to feedback? How is feedback viewed by volunteers, staff and management? Do they view it as "avenues to get back at people" or "avenues for others to find fault with me"? How sensitively are feedbacks being handled? Think of processes put into place on how you sign up to help out in ministries, the forms, the procedures, the training etc.
  4. Climate - If you are a visitor, what is the first impression of the organisation? Do you feel welcome? How warm, friendly and welcoming are frontline staff? What is the general climate in which staff and volunteers work together? Is there an emphasis on results or process? Are there frequent celebrations involving staff and volunteers? How receptive are staff to volunteers? How receptive are volunteers to staff? Does the climate promote care and growth e.g. leadership? Is the organisation family friendly and engaged the family? Think of the welcome ministry, carpark marshals, usher, information counter officers.


It's Been A Year!

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Today is like any other Sunday: I woke up, brush my teeth, took a bath, iron my clothes, grabbed my bible and made my way to church... but little did I realise that today is my church's birthday and that could only mean one thing; I have return to Christ for a year already, today is the first anniversary.

Looking back, I have changed quite a bit. Well, I still have my fair share of struggles and issues but I seem to be happier and life seems to be more purposeful now.

I was devastated having to leave a job I loved so much last year but only to find a more purposeful job now; one which I was called to.

I was devastated with human relationships having been hurt again and agin but only to find wonderful and loving people around me again. I also thank God for helping me to recently have a proper conclusion to my strained relationship with the friend "who was beginning to hate me" and now I am at peace with him.

I have yet to make it a habit to study the Lord's word everyday but am pretty much stronger in my faith than I was 12 months ago. Having experienced His grace and mercy, it really makes me want to worship and praise Him.

I continue to see blessings after blessings from the Lord and I give thanks for it.

But I still continue to have an arduous walk with the Lord, one of stubbornness and with the need to always repent and ask for forgiveness.

But all in all, I thank God for His grace, for seeing me through it all. He is good and is the King of Majesty.

Here's a song a friend used in one her devotion sessions at work and it really touched me... wonderful song. His grace is indeed sufficient for me:

Your Grace is Sufficient for Me
by Martin Nystrom

Your grace is sufficient for me
Your strength is made perfect
When I am weak
And all that I cling to
I lay at your feet
Your grace is sufficient for me

Through It All
By Hillsong

You are forever in my life
You see me through the seasons
Cover me with Your hand
And lead me in Your righteousness
And I look to You
And I wait on You

I will sing to You, Lord
A hymn of love
For Your faithfulness to me
Im carried in everlasting arms
Youll never let me go
Through it all

Hallelujah, hallelujah

You Are Good

Lord, You are good
And your mercy endureth forever (repeat)

People from every nation and tongue
From generation to generation

We worship You, hallelujah, hallelujah
We worship You for who You are
We worship You, hallelujah, hallelujah
We worship You for who You are
You are good

Lord You are good
And Your mercy endureth forever (repeat)

You are good, all the time
All the time, You are good

King of Majesty

You know that,
I love you,
You know that,
I want to know you so much more,
More than I have before

These words are,
From my heart,
These words are,
Not made up,
I will live for you,
I am devoted to you,

King of Majesty
I have one desire
Just to be with you my Lord,
Just to be with you my Lord,

Jesus you are the Saviour of my soul
And forever and ever I'll give my praises to you,
Jesus you are the Saviour of my soul
And forever and ever I'll give my praises to you,

Jesus you are the Saviour of my soul(echo)
And forever and ever I'll give my praises to you(echo)

As I sang each of the song, I clapped in agreement and in praise for God. Today also happens to be my sister's birthday and I also thank God for such a wonderful sister. Although I may not have been a good brother but my sister has been an important person to me and have supported me.

Wow, God has really chosen a good date for me to return to Christ :) Now every year when my church celebrates her birthday, I am reminded of my return to Christ :)

Words and Music by Reuben Morgan

Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are god

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

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