Remember sometime back I mentioned that this period seems to be like on a rollercoaster ride; with its ups and downs? Well, it is currently on its up and I hope it stays that way.
Just came back from a job interview and I must say that it went very well. Love the concept of a group interview where they share with us what the organization is about, what they do and what is the job scope for the position we all are applying for. Guess this session really does kill 2 birds with one stone; on one hand, it introduces the organization to everyone and help them have an overview and understand better what they can expect, on the other hand, the organization hopes to make friends with everyone so despite only one will get the job, the others may wish to continue to contribute to the organization in other ways e.g. volunteering, donations etc. Ingenius!
Anyway, although the room was deafeningly quiet when I first arrived, we soon got warmed up to one another. Later, I had the opportunity to work with 2 nice ladies in a group discussion and we had so much fun sharing ideas and eventually even came up with a theme, slogan and logo. I am getting more thrilled with the job.
Throughout the whole "workshop" so many ideas came flooding in about how I can go about my work. I am excited by the possibilities and seem to find a fit between my skills (peoples' skill and administrative & organization skills) and the job requirements. I also strongly believe in relationships and I think this is crucial in my job as I need to work with people to retain them. I am so excited by the opportunity to be creative, work with people as well as grow both professionally and spiritually. Really do hope to get called up for the individual interview... keeping my fingers crossed and will pray about it. Anyway, did however sensed a bit of hostility between the boss and the person who came to share about the job... hope I am wrong and that the boss is not someone I will find difficult to get along with. I think I am clear about what I want and that is autonomy to be as creative as I want and to be respected professionally.
I found that I am smiling again, smiling genuinely! I have my smile back again! Hopefully this is good news and it will be sustained.
Went to join my friend in his gym in his condo yesterday and despite haven't been working out for almost a year now, I pushed myself and managed to run 2.1km in 18 minutes. OK, not very impressive but then a good start right? I think I ought to give myself a pat on the back for being able to persevere on... had wanted to stop several times on the threadmill but pushed myself on and regulated my breathing... yeah! Tried other machines too... OUCH! now my muscles hurt :D
Joined my friends for cell group for the first time yesterday. As usual, felt very uncomfortable at first despite everyone being so welcoming and nice but later warmed up to them... they all seem to be real nice people...
Yesterday, the cell revisited the sermon last Sunday on what is important and what is urgent and what have we been up to this week; whether we had been doing important and urgent things, important and unurgent things, unimportant and urgent things or unimportant and unurgent things (you should count the number of times these words were used again and again in cell... eventually some became very confused :))? For me, it is the last one hahaha... been sleeping a lot... well you can argue that it is important for me to rest... I shared with the cell my 4 philosophies of life and mentioned that I decide what is important and urgent to work on based on these philosophies. So what is important to you and what is urgent? How do you decide? Are we constantly keeping ourselves busy with what is urgent but not important? Think about it...
The other issue revisited is that on one's "quiet place" where one seeks solace. For me, it is clear that my "quiet place" is my blog, my trusted friends and most recently added to the list, God... I think my life have been going rather smoothly and recently when I faced this crisis of mine, I needed to seek solace. It is a good feeling being amongst friends who you trust and ever so willing to lend a listening ear... I really thank all these friends for being there when I need them the most... (now don't pretend, you know who you are, Give yourself a pat on your backs, compliments of me hahaha :D).
When I can't share with my friends, I type into my blog... I am starting to see the value of a blog... People blog for different reasons... For me, I find that blog helps me to reflect on things and put things into perspective. However, when the going gets tough, I can always be sure that God is always there... I know that I may sound very "cliche" but then I am truly grateful to the solace and peace I have gotten these past few weeks from God. Anyway, I am telling myself that I cannot have such a "business-like transactional" kind of relationship with God; only turning to him in times of need. I should celebrate and give thanks constantly... this is my goal for now. Give thanks for my friends, my giftings (although now I have to find how I can use this giftings) and all the trials and tribulations so far.
I saw one of my friends upset yesterday but do not know what is bothering her. All I can do is pray for her. Pray that God gives strength, guidance and wisdom to her, and all my friends who need it, during this time.
OK smile!
Yours sincerely,