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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, September 24, 2005


To Blog or not to Blog?

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Hmm, incidentally, right after I sent my previous blog, received an email from a friend with a link toa document on anonymous blogging and how to blog and work round censorship... How timely...

I read through the handbook a little and must say that I do find some value in somethings which was mentioned in that book, particularly the section on "What really makes a blog shine?" which provided insights into what makes people come back to a blog. According to them:

  • A unique and personal voice
  • Keep it current
  • Connect with and empower readers
  • Tell truth to power
Now, I have no intentions of making this into a blog into one with political commentary but then I feel that I need to say something as a new member of the blogging community. I agree with the first 3 points mentioned but not fully with the 4th. In my opinion, I feel that with power come great responsibility (sounds familiar? :D). I mean it is true that blogs can empower and can help to uncover truths and fight injustice. But as much as it can be empowering, it can also be abused and manipulative.

I was equally shocked that someone here is being persecuted for his blog but then to what extent should one be free to voice his views, whether objective in the first place? It is the debate of individual rights vs the rights of a society. I think this issue is always the butt of debates, especially in university. My perspective: you can have your rights as an individual but then if it harms others or compromises the rights of others, then it stops there.

I asked my friend this question: are people fighting for the sake of fighting? People fight for more freedom and this is especially acceptable if it is set against injustice. However, are we ready to deal with the consequences of a successful battle? Once we win the battle, what next? Will the success be manipulated and abused by others, and so the cycle starts again?

This is my two cents' worth on the issue and I rest my case. As I mentioned, this is my blog, a blog which helps me with my reflection of my life and I want to keep it that way.


The Smile's Back!

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Cow Piggybank by levi_sz

Remember sometime back I mentioned that this period seems to be like on a rollercoaster ride; with its ups and downs? Well, it is currently on its up and I hope it stays that way.

Just came back from a job interview and I must say that it went very well. Love the concept of a group interview where they share with us what the organization is about, what they do and what is the job scope for the position we all are applying for. Guess this session really does kill 2 birds with one stone; on one hand, it introduces the organization to everyone and help them have an overview and understand better what they can expect, on the other hand, the organization hopes to make friends with everyone so despite only one will get the job, the others may wish to continue to contribute to the organization in other ways e.g. volunteering, donations etc. Ingenius!

Anyway, although the room was deafeningly quiet when I first arrived, we soon got warmed up to one another. Later, I had the opportunity to work with 2 nice ladies in a group discussion and we had so much fun sharing ideas and eventually even came up with a theme, slogan and logo. I am getting more thrilled with the job.

Throughout the whole "workshop" so many ideas came flooding in about how I can go about my work. I am excited by the possibilities and seem to find a fit between my skills (peoples' skill and administrative & organization skills) and the job requirements. I also strongly believe in relationships and I think this is crucial in my job as I need to work with people to retain them. I am so excited by the opportunity to be creative, work with people as well as grow both professionally and spiritually. Really do hope to get called up for the individual interview... keeping my fingers crossed and will pray about it. Anyway, did however sensed a bit of hostility between the boss and the person who came to share about the job... hope I am wrong and that the boss is not someone I will find difficult to get along with. I think I am clear about what I want and that is autonomy to be as creative as I want and to be respected professionally.

I found that I am smiling again, smiling genuinely! I have my smile back again! Hopefully this is good news and it will be sustained.

Went to join my friend in his gym in his condo yesterday and despite haven't been working out for almost a year now, I pushed myself and managed to run 2.1km in 18 minutes. OK, not very impressive but then a good start right? I think I ought to give myself a pat on the back for being able to persevere on... had wanted to stop several times on the threadmill but pushed myself on and regulated my breathing... yeah! Tried other machines too... OUCH! now my muscles hurt :D

Joined my friends for cell group for the first time yesterday. As usual, felt very uncomfortable at first despite everyone being so welcoming and nice but later warmed up to them... they all seem to be real nice people...

Yesterday, the cell revisited the sermon last Sunday on what is important and what is urgent and what have we been up to this week; whether we had been doing important and urgent things, important and unurgent things, unimportant and urgent things or unimportant and unurgent things (you should count the number of times these words were used again and again in cell... eventually some became very confused :))? For me, it is the last one hahaha... been sleeping a lot... well you can argue that it is important for me to rest... I shared with the cell my 4 philosophies of life and mentioned that I decide what is important and urgent to work on based on these philosophies. So what is important to you and what is urgent? How do you decide? Are we constantly keeping ourselves busy with what is urgent but not important? Think about it...

The other issue revisited is that on one's "quiet place" where one seeks solace. For me, it is clear that my "quiet place" is my blog, my trusted friends and most recently added to the list, God... I think my life have been going rather smoothly and recently when I faced this crisis of mine, I needed to seek solace. It is a good feeling being amongst friends who you trust and ever so willing to lend a listening ear... I really thank all these friends for being there when I need them the most... (now don't pretend, you know who you are, Give yourself a pat on your backs, compliments of me hahaha :D).

When I can't share with my friends, I type into my blog... I am starting to see the value of a blog... People blog for different reasons... For me, I find that blog helps me to reflect on things and put things into perspective. However, when the going gets tough, I can always be sure that God is always there... I know that I may sound very "cliche" but then I am truly grateful to the solace and peace I have gotten these past few weeks from God. Anyway, I am telling myself that I cannot have such a "business-like transactional" kind of relationship with God; only turning to him in times of need. I should celebrate and give thanks constantly... this is my goal for now. Give thanks for my friends, my giftings (although now I have to find how I can use this giftings) and all the trials and tribulations so far.

I saw one of my friends upset yesterday but do not know what is bothering her. All I can do is pray for her. Pray that God gives strength, guidance and wisdom to her, and all my friends who need it, during this time.

OK smile!

Yours sincerely,

smile by dorotac

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Gems of Singapore

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Been staying home the whole day and had been playing with Google Earth. In fact, have been playing with it for the past 2 days and I would say that I am starting to get the hang of it. Besides having pinpointed my "regular" places I frequent, had also identfied a few other "gems" and little-known places worth visiting in Singapore. Am done for now... with more than a 100 locations, comprising little known places, eateries, scenic spots etc. Do intend to further expand this list with my friends. Looks like the next time I hang out with my friends, we will be spoilt for choice as to where to go... For now, I am going to put this aside and prepare for my upcoming 2 interviews... A great sense of achievement for now... do look forward to visiting some of the "new" spots. Here's the result...

Went back to work yesterday and my friend (the one who was "beginning to hate me") asked to meet up so as to pass me back some discs he had borrowed from me. As much as I had all kinds of crazy thoughts going through my mind, I agreed to meet him and got back my stuff. It was a brief meeting and very little words were exchanged. My day was literally ruined but I guess this signifies the end of our friendship for now... I just do not see how our friendship can continue when I have doubts about him and can no longer trust him. I did message him much later telling him to take good care of himself and apologize that things have to turn out this way. Did wish him well...

Watched a dvd on Mother Teresa and was inspired by her perseverance. Despite all the obstacles she faced, she remained focused on her mission and devoted herself to work with the needy. "I am but a pencil in God's hands". Indeed, this did give me some inspiration and strength to go for my upcoming interview at the christian organization. Pray it will go well...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


If You Take a Little Trip Around Singapore Town...

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Ooo, I must be real bored... Just took a trip around Singapore ysterday from 12am-4am... Was basically playing around with the software Google Earth and was trying to pinpoint places I know and always frequent... ended up "flying" around Singapore for 3 hours plus doing so... what a wonderful view from "up there". It so-o-o-o amazing how much details you can see from satellites... makes me wonder how much more detailed it can get, hmmm... Anyway, you should try "flying" too, very fun...

The result... pinpointed more than 20 locations and am still continuing to do so...

This is a screen capture of cityhall...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Keep Your Ears Tuned...

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shutting out the light by liaj

If you keep your ears tuned, you will hear background music being played, from Accuradio.Com (If the music does not start, you can click on play under "the lounge" on the right).

Yeah! I have added a new feature to my blog so that music will play the moment you enter. I hope you like it.

Had initially wanted to find an animated picture of grass swaying in the breeze to go with the music but can't seem to find. Only managed to find the one belowinstead but hope it gives the tranquil kinda feeling. If any of you do find the one with the grass, please let me know :D

Monday, September 19, 2005


Ups and Downs... Rollercoastering through Life

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graph 1 by KrzysztofB

Well, as you can see, I am very free nowadays and can even afford to make several entries into my blog a day :D Having so much time allows me to reflect on things and of course do things I haven't been able to do... just managed to clear a small section of my house and am taking a break now... not going to touch anymore for the time being... time-out...

Just realized how there had been so many ups and downs in just these 2 months itself... think you would have noticed it from my entries in this blog. A moment I can be feel elated and the next, terribly upset.

The question now remains... is the next a down or up? Is it a steady down or a steady up? Like in a rollercoaster ride, you seldom will know when the next sudden turn or fall going to be...


Free, too Free...

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Hmm... today is my first day of freedom from work. Finally get to sleep and wake up late. However, did find myself wide awake by 9am and could not get back to sleep... What I feared most has happened...

Boredom 1 by rockgod

I am bored to tears!

Looks like I am so used to a hectic lifestyle, within hours I find myself having nothing to do, nothing to work towards to... b.o.r.i.n.g.

Seems ironic isn't it... I work work work and hope for rest and finally when I do get it, I know not what to do about it... OK, am going to do some things I have been putting off doing e.g. cleaning my house up... after all, I had been one of the main culprits of messing up my house when I was working, putting things anywhere and everywhere, citing exhaustion as a deterrent to cleaning up the place... Now I have no excuse liaoz... better get myself moving...

At least I think I get the time to do the things I haven't been able to and to rethink my priorities in life and spend more time and effort with them.


Divine Exchange

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Divine Exchange
Abundant Life Ministries

My heart is captivated Lord, by You alone
captured by the awesomeness of You alone
melted by the grace and mercy You have shown
I stand in wonder

I reach to you the one who make the blind can see
who break the chains of sickness with authority
restoring of what was broken
so we may fly again

I live to worship you
I breathe to worship to you
all of my days, your face I'll seek

For as I worship you
You lead me to that place
To that place of divine exchange


Feeling -ve, -ve Feelings

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Missed the shuttle bus to church today, ended up taking a brisk walk to church from Pasir Ris MRT and was in the end drenched in perspiration by the time I arrived. Anyway, today's sermon was on "Knowing what matters most". Basically, what matters most is not money and success as this could not be brought into eternal life but rather the love for God and his people. The Elder was challenging us to take our strained relationships and forgive the person just as God has given his son, Jesus, to die for our sins.

This message made me feel lost. This period, my struggle seems to be with relationships that has soured. Some are easy to forgive but some are not. I was particularly finding it difficult to give the strained friendship between my "beginning to hate me" friend and me another try. The very reason I shunned away from him is because I feel insecure around him. After the dinner with my committee member and him, I just have more doubts about our friendship.

Even though so, he had continuingly asked me out for dinner but I have declined again and again, saying that I am not comfortable to meet yet. Despite that, he seemed to have came by twice and waiting for me to turn up. I am seiously beginning to worry about him asking me to go out with him... and the messages I am getting... Just a couple of hours ago, I received a sms from him "Lots of murder recently... scared?" This was in response to my sms to him earlier telling him I am lost whether where to go with our friendship especially after the sermon and suggested leaving the decision to God (just as he (my friend) leaves his decision to quit or not to whether he sees road blocks that day). I suggested that I will give one week and if we cross paths with each other outside of work premises and without any party intentionally doing so, the answer will be clear... He did not respond to that message (possibly because he was sleeping) until 5 hours later. This, in addition to 2 other messages received earlier:

The first message: I sent a message earlier this week asking him why he still keen to meet me despite hating me and whether he is thinking of hurting me... he did not give me a definite yes or no.

The second message: he messaged me to say my head like pumpkin head and it would taste good...

This is really worrying me to the extent I am quite paranoid now... Who sends "Lots of murder recently... scared?" as a joke?

Anyway, have also been feeling that I have been spending quite a bit on food and meeting up with friends recently, despite being unemployed. Need to curb my spending from tomorrow onwards. Just went to buffet dinner with my friends and finished a whole 15-course dinner, super full!

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