Sense of Personal Achievement
I am seriously starting to dread going to work nowadays because there is just too much coordination work to be done with so many volunteers to place, so many volunteers to interview, so many pending placements to round up, project discussions etc, statistics to monitor and compile and at the same time working on the direction the whole volunteer management system in my organization is going... it is just so overwhelming.
In the end, I couldn't stand it anymore and decided that I needed to do something about it. And so, I decided that I needed a simple database to help me track my referrals as well as help me compile statistics with just a click of a button, at least for the time being until a proper system can be set up to aid volunteer management.
So, I put aside all my work and started working on a database using Access... spent the whole day from 9am to 9pm, developing and refining the system as well as keying in all my pending volunteer placements. Finally, voila! The simple database is completed... hehehe. Though simple, I nonetheless feel a great sense of satisfaction since I have not touched Access for a long time now.
Now, tracking my volunteer placements and referrals as well as compiling statistics is relatively a breeze, as compared to the past... yeah! An achievement, finishing a database in a day :)