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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Of Red Sea, Priority, Word of God, Heart of God, Choir, Art, Love and Departure

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Swimming in the Red Sea
The week went by relatively quickly and amazingly smoothly... I had expected to come back to work to slog very hard because it has been so in the previous years when I go for in-camp training; I end up slogging long hours for 2 months to clear 2 weeks of work. But then, this week, I stand with a heart of gratitude for God granting me help in the form of half of a manpower to support me. So with her help and coverage of my duties in my absence, I managed to smoothly clear my "red sea" of emails within a short span of 3 days. In fact, when I started on my emails, I jokingly told my colleague I am going to go "swimming in the red sea" :) Thank God. In fact, in the midst of all these, I still had time to start work on a few new tasks for a upcoming major fundraising event with my dear friends from the PR and IT department :)

The Disappointment with Priority?

I returned to office on Tuesday after a one day's leave to rest at home after all the in-camp training and church retreat. I was slated to lead staff devotion that day and so I prepared a little bit, printed the "Our Daily Bread" article and prepared myself to share about how God has brought timely words into my life in the past couple of weeks. I wasn't really prepare for worship so I came into office and started to print the lyrics for the 2 songs I hope to use for the session. Just as I was making the final preparations for devotion, someone came into my office and asked if she can use the computer next to me because she needed to trouble-shoot some software problems with someone over the phone. Not thinking it will take too long, I agreed to it while I continue to prepare my lyrics.

However, the whole thing lasted about 30 minutes and in the end, my boss told me that some of my colleagues had some work to do and so suggested that we postpone the session. I got really disappointed with the whole thing; that devotion was cancelled and it was not even my fault. OK, I got rather disappointed (not with anyone but) that devotion got cancelled because of work priorities. Kind of affected but then later Stitch Giver told me that there seem to be some mini-fire to fight in my department, so many that's why the decision was made to cancel devotion instead. OK, I feel better knowing that but still ideally hope that people can make time for God wherever possible because in our current lifestyles (myself included), it can be so easy to be caught up with work and other priorities, we place time with God at the end of our list of to-dos.

The Word of God Says This... You Are Wrong!
Then, I had a mini debate with a friend online because I shared with him about my retreat and about the topic of generational iniquities being passed down. He seem rather uncomfortable about the issue and went to find some materials online which talked about how some people are currently misinterpreting what is in the bible about generational iniquities of eg worshipping idols and sexual sin and perversion and how the consequences cascades down the generations. Frankly, my take is this: Frankly, there are just something we won't know, despite human's attempt to try to reason it out. I have once read a book, The Language of God" (which unfortunately I never get to finish, anyway it's always the case with all my books) that describes the relationship between faith and science. The books is written by the Head of the Human Genome Project who marveled at how science shows the wonderful creation work of God. He says in his book:
'It also becomes clear to me that science, despite its unquestioned powers in unraveling the mysteries of the natural world, would get me no further in resolving the question of God... If God exists, then He must be outside the natural world, and therefore the tools of science are not the right ones to learn about Him...To quote Lewis "If there was a controlling power outside the universe, it could not show itself to us as one of the facts inside the universe-no more than the architect of a house could actually be a wall or staircase or fireplace in that house.'
Who can claim to have the answers except God? To one, they may argue that generational iniquities will cascade down as written in the Word of God but to another, they might say that that was in the Old Testament and God has sent His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins, just as Isaiah 53:5-6 indicates:

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

But frankly who will know. Yes, God speaks to people but then I am also reminded of false prophets and teachers out there. The incident that happened last week about how I was confronted by a cell member about the biblical soundness of a devotional I sent also further reminded me that we should be careful of false teachings and prophets. So how do we know God? Well, I guess the only way is to go back to the source, His Word and let Him reveal it to you. I am beginning to take devotions and man's interpretation of the Word with a pinch of salt. Psalms 118:8-9 reminds us:

8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.
9 It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.

Reconcile, Restore, Repent, Righteousness
Frankly, even bible verses can be misquoted... But one thing I know very clearly and that is that God loves us, wants to reconcile with and restore His children but only if we repent and live righteous lives. There you go, the 4Rs (Reconcile, Restores, Repent, Righteousness). Frankly, isn't that what the whole bible is about? The big picture? We can spend time arguing about what this verse means, what that verse means but then hadn't God made himself very clear in the story of His people, all the judgment etc that He wants to just have a relationship with His people, created in His image but the fellowship with God came to a halt with the fall of mankind, succumbing to Satan and sin? Wasn't the 10 commandments and subsequently the 2 greatest commandment in the New Testament in Matthew 22:36-40 says enough on how we should live our lives? Wasn't the Great Commission given in Matthew 28:18-20 given to reconcile people to God as He has reconciled with his followers?

United We Stand or Divided We Fall?
Yes, we should study the Word and through the Word, to know God's character. I have come to myself know the character of God better with the Old Testament Challenge that my church is undergoing now. But should an study of the Word turn into division of the body of Christ? One thing's for sure, I am glad that the debate with this brother-in-christ ended well and I sure hope there is no hard feelings.

Other Happenings
Other things, I thank God for blessing me with a free ticket to watch the Trelawny Male Choir at the Esplanade. One of our colleagues won some tickets for the concert and blessed me and another colleague with the tickets so although I wanted to spend my Wednesday evening preparing for cell, I gathered that it would be good to take a break. It's amazing how wonderful and lovely human voices can be. Then, after the concert, we walked by the crocs shoes children's art exhibition along the way from esplanade and boy are some children really talented:

And then this week, I had this girl who came and tell me she is "interested in me". All along, I have been rather worried because I get a sense that she might be interested in me. In fact, there seems to be rumours going around that me and her are an item. I have been rather worried I have tried to keep my distance with her, afraid that I will be giving her the wrong impression. Then this week, we were casually talking about her dates when she came to look for me and I was advising her, as a elder brother would to a younger sister, to take it slowly and know the person first. Then she says that she is and later say that she is interested in me. I was caught unaware and did not know how to respond (I must have looked shocked, for sure). Then I asked her what she means and she mentioned something to the effect of "no need to elaborate further". I really can't remember because I was in shock. Anyway, I do not have interest in her and if things persist on, I might have to break the news to her. Dear God, please do not let me give her the wrong impression, I do not wish to hurt anyone's feelings.

Sometime during this week, I have also received message from a dear friend and it seems that this dear friend might be leaving his job. I do not know but I get a sense that this is the case. I do not talk much with this dear friend but then this friend had been a good spiritual role model to me, showing me what it is to serve the Lord with what we have, doing it joyfully and to our utmost. However, I do know that if one day, God wills that this friend leave his job, it would have to be so. I do hope to continue to keep in touch with this dear friend. God bless this friend of mine.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Refuse & Reclaim

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It has been a hectic two weeks with my in-camp training and my church's men's retreat and so I have decided to take a day's leave today to just take a rest.
But I thank God in how he has blessed this day of rest; in what has happened in just a short span of one hour. Over the weekend, I have attended the men's retreat and have come to realise that despite my family being a Christian family, God has suddenly brought to my attention during the retreat that, there were idols still lying around in the home. It has somehow become quite oblivious to these because they have been in the house for the longest of time; gifts from relatives and friends. The Word of God says:
Exodus 20:4-6
4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Exodus 20:22-23
22 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Tell the Israelites this: 'You have seen for yourselves that I have spoken to you from heaven: 23 Do not make any gods to be alongside me; do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold.

Leviticus 26:1
1 " 'Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God.
As I have mentioned, these were gifts in the past from relatives and friends. We did not worship the idols but somehow having them at home made me feel uneasy. And so, I made the decision to get these artifacts out of my house. After all, how does God become the Head and Lord of the house with this household (just like how can God touch a life for healing when it is defiled without repentence)? The Word of God says:
Deuteronomy 7:5
5 This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire.

Deuteronomy 12:3
3 Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places.
And so, I gathered all the idols and anything which made me feel uncomfortable, including a dragon spoon holder and two wooden Myanmar statues and placed them into a plastic bag. My dad was home and so I got his blessings to get rid of them. At first, I was reluctant because I do not know how he will react to my wanting to get rid of the idols but I thank God that everything turned out well, with a Christian worship CD playing in the background as we speak, and there was no arguments whatsoever. He did seemingly want to keep the Myanmar statues of these 2 ladies dancing but then later relented. I went around the house to see what else needed to be discarded and placed them into 2 plastic bags; 6 small statues and 6 large statues all together.

To Destroy or Not to Destroy?
Then, I hesitated whether to destroy them or shall I just leave them as it is and discard them? My heart raced as I reached for the hammer. I do not know what I was afraid of; afraid of being cursed? But I believe in the sovereignty of God and decided to destroy them anyway, for did not the Word of God commanded that all idols be destroyed lest it causes others to stray from Him? My dad saw me with the hammer and immediately knew what I was about to do and asked me to just discard the artifacts, but I explained how it is necessary to destroy the artifacts. Now, there is this sense of peace that this matter has been dealt with and I am waiting with an expectant heart for God to take His place in this household.

Then, I thanked God for a blessed conversation with my dad. We never sit down to talk and express ourselves but then God gave the opportunity to do so on this very day. And as we talked, I have come to realise how much my dad is going through. He has been inflicted with many illnesses; from diabetes, to heart problem, to retinal problems, to high blood pressure, possible kidney problem and recently, the doctor is suspecting that he might have lymphomas, a blood cancer.

My sister has told me yesterday that my dad seemed a bit different recently and has a shortened fuse. Somehow, when my sister told me that, I began to feel how much a failure I had been as a son to not to have noticed it. I felt how much I am a failure for not having talked to him and addressed his feelings. I felt as a failure that I am social work trained but when it comes to family, I was like a wooden block and insensitive at times. I struggled with going up to my dad and talking to him and praying for him.
Many do not know this but I come from a complex background. There is the reason why I work so hard at work, there is a reason why I have not went out to find a life partner, there is a reason why I felt so much a failure and did not return back to direct social work practice. So, I am not very expressive about my feelings, care and concern.

Anyway, I had a good short chat with my dad and as he shared his past hurts with me, I can't help but again feel how much a failure I had been as a son for not picking it up. And just as he was telling me the physical pain he was going through every night, fearing that he will never wake up again the next morning, it nearly made me break down. He told me that he is not afraid of dying because he is assured of being back with the Lord and told me that he has a feeling something will happen to him these few months and should he die, to just have his wake for 3 days as he does not have many friends. So it seems that death has been on his mind, which explains why he looks different these few days. Eventually, I requested to pray for him and thanked God for his life and asked for healing of any pains and we also prayed for healing of the family. And as I pray, the Christian CD in the background tappering off as it reaches the end... I really do not know why God is giving me this encounter with my dad and I hope that it will not be the end soon because even though I do not show it, but then I love my dad. Dear Lord, I commit him into your hands and pray for your healing over every pain in his body and soul. Take care of him and this family. In Jesus' name I ask, Amen.

Sunday, October 14, 2007



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Within a month from my personal spiritual retreat with my colleague in Batam, I am back in Batam yet again, in the same resort, but this time, I am group of guys from my church, attending this retreat for guys called the "New Life Encounter".

Why Did I Subject Myself to This?

We had to be at Harbourfront Ferry Terminal very very early and as usual la, always have trouble waking up. Anyway, managed to get myself to the terminal eventually, late by a few minutes, got my boarding pass and waited for the ferry. As I stood around waiting with the other 60 guys, I became beating myself up emotionally again; I remember asking myself "why did I subject myself to this, coming alone for this retreat? And now I am in the midst of these 60 guys who I do not know and the introverted side of me is making me so uncomfortable. How can I survive the next 2 days?" I began to utter a short prayer and pray for God to watch over these 2 days and help me keep focus that I am here to address some past hurts I have, to be healed. I urgently need a breakthrough because I am rather sick and tired of the me who is always yearning to connect with others and have and enjoy meaningful relationship with people, but yet, on the other hand, I withdraw when people try to get near to me for fear of disappointment and hurt.

The Time for Healing is Now
Months ago, God laid into my heart that I needed to deal with my issues of past hurts and unforgiveness, so for the first time, I decided to sign up for something alone (usually, I will not sign up for something without a companion). But now, as I stand amidst these guys, I began to wonder why did I agree to this in the first place. As men stood around me, laughed and talked, as families came and hugged, it made me feel more lonely than ever. Later, when we arrived at Batam, I come to know that some of the guys also came as together as a cell and I just became more upset inside me thinking about the state of my cell and how I am alone here. As our bus drive pass the Indonesian houses, I see happy faces of people walking about in groups and in their families, greeting one another "selamat hari raya". At this point in time, I am really wondering if I will ever deal with my issues of unforgiveness and be able to connect and enjoy meaningful relationships with people. It is not that I am currently not enjoying meaningful relationships, because God has put in my life people who cares for me e.g. colleagues, family and friends, and who I am currently enjoying wonderful fellowship with. However, other than these people, I just find it so difficult to have an enjoyable fellowship with many others and how I yearn for the day that I do not withdraw again from relationships with people.

Friends Abroad
Haha, the interesting thing that happened is that as I disembarked from the shuttle bus, I realised the concierge guy staring at me and said "you again". Hahaha, he happen to be the same concierge guy who helped me and my colleague with getting a cab the last time we came about a month agoand it's amazing he recognised me still! We must have been very "memorable" guests ah for him to remember us. Messaged my colleague and he remarked that maybe the concierge guy remembered us because we did not tip him hehehe. Anyway, it was kind of a nice feeling being remembered and the concierge guy did come over to talk to me a little on the last day as we were waiting to embark on our shuttle to the ferry terminal. On the first night, I also saw two of my friends together at the lobby of the resort. We all remarked it is amazing how we don't bump into each another in Singapore but in Batam. What are the chances hahaha...

God's Work of Healing Begins

Although the retreat is only 2 days 1 night, it did seem like forever but I did kind of enjoy the retreat. As we began the retreat, we had a ice-breaker which required us to share in groups what we hope to get from the retreat. In my group, some shared that they wish to grow more with God, some to learn from God but I was the only one which shared that I needed God's touch in an area of hurt in my life. The fact that I seem the only one who seemed to need healing did make me wonder a bit whether I am one of the only few who needed healing. Maybe it is because this is a man's retreat and man generally have this egoistic front which takes some time to put down. Indeed, the dynamics in the first few sessions are so different from the later few when you can see man breaking down from their past hurts. It was deep healing taking place for some; many years of hurt, disappointment, unforgiveness, anger and bitterness.

Laying Unforgiveness Down at the Feet of our God
For me, I came prepared to deal with the issue of unforgiveness of my previous organisation, "the friend who was beginning to hate me" and a few others who have hurt me along the way, including loved ones. I thought I have forgiven them but to the contrary, the session has shown me that the hurt is still pretty raw and painful and forgiveness has not really been dispensed. The session began to also surface other areas of unforgiveness of myself for my sins and the hurtful things I have done to God. Some of these has been repressed for so long I almost clean forgotten about them. Eventually, we were led to pen down our own unforgiveness list (unforgiveness of others, of self and of God) and "dispose" of them into this "No fishing" box.

Throughout the retreat, I have come to learn about forgiveness:
  • Forgiveness is being aware of what the person has done but yet still choosing to forgive just as God forgave us
  • Forgiveness is choosing to keep no records of wrongs
  • Forgiveness is choosing mercy and not judgment (Story of Unmerciful Servant in Matthew 18:21-35)
  • Forgiveness is giving to God our "right of revenge" (Romans 12:19)
  • Forgiveness is not approving, excusing, justifying, denying what they did, nor pretending we are not hurt
I am also reminded that:
  • We are commanded to forgive (Matthew 6:14-15, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13)
  • Christ Himself has set an example on the cross and in forgiving Peter for denying Him (John 21:15-19)
    I am reminded again of God's love for us to send Christ to die on the cross for our sins. Everytime I sing the song, More than Life, I can't help but be ministered to by the song (especially the bridge) and be reminded of His wonderful mercy, grace and love:

    More Than Life
    Stand by everything You said
    Stand by the promises we made
    Let go of everything I’ve done
    I'll run into Your open arms
    And all I know

    I love You more than life
    I love You more than life

    Fall back on everything You've done
    Fall back on everlasting arms
    When all the world is swept away
    You are all the things I need
    You're the air I breathe

    How can it be
    You were the one on the cross that died for me?
    Lifted for all our shame?
    How can it be
    The scars in Your hands are for me?
    You are the king of all

  • We are WIP (Work in Progress) in Christ; in so much so as that trials and problems does not go away immediately when we become Christ-followers and that we will grow as we allow Him to work in our lives
  • God will never forsake us; He loves us and is set on not only reconciliation with us but also wants to restore us just as He restored Manasseh from false religion/occult sin (2 Chronicles 33:1-17), David from sexual sin and murder (2 Samuel 11-12, Psalms 51) and Peter from lying and betrayal (Matthew 26:69-75, Matthew 31-35, John 21:15-19). But God says "go and sin now more" (John 8:11)
  • How the enemy will always use tactics to prevent reconciliation and restoration e.g. negative thoughts about ourselves and our relationship with God including any negative thoughts I have in my mind about myself and my self-esteem, which undeniably has affected even my ministry
  • Why should I then allow unforgiveness to affect my life and make it miserable?
  • How do I live my life? Body-Soul-Spirit or Spirit-Soul-Body? Which do I place first?
By the end of the first day, although I still could not fully forgive some of the people who hurt me, but then I do agree that I did feel a little less burdened by emotional baggage and unforgiveness which has piled up all these while. I have asked to also be prayed for the Holy Spirit to grant me gifts which would help me to lead my cell in glorifying God's name and to keep focused on Him, as well as for God to work in me to deal with my low self-esteem. And for the first time for a long while, I started to have dreams (or at least I can remember them) :) But then the funny thing is I can't recall what I dreamt about.

God Blessed our Fellowship

At the end of the first night, it was such a tiring day, I retired back in my room. But as I made my way back to the room, I was worried how I am going to spend the night with my room-mate. "Looks like it is going to be another quiet night since I am such an introvert" I thought as I walked. However, I thank God for dwelling amidst my fellowship with my room-mate. I thank God that we had the opportunity to share about our unforgiveness, our testimonies about how we got back to God as well as talked about "hearing" from God. I did not know how did the conversation started but it eventually took place and I felt that God has used our testimonies to edify one another. I always believe that testimonies need to be shared because it not only reminds us of God's grace, love and mercy in our lives, strengthens our faith but also serves to edify others as well as share about His love, grace and mercy with others.

God Speaks
Anyway, it was wonderful discussion with him about "hearing" from God because all these while I have wondered about it but have yet to opportunity to speak to anyone about it. I have always wondered "What do people mean when they 'hear' from God? Do they hear an audible voice or what? Do God speaks in a thunderous voice or what?" It has always puzzled me. I shared with my roommate how God had recently spoke to me in a rather audible voice, "Why do you doubt me?", during sermon, just when I was about to make the decision to step down from cell leadership. My roommate also shared with me how one day God spoke to him, in an audible voice, telling him to tell the friend who betrayed him that "He will bless him". You could imagine the disbelief my roommate had but nonetheless, he did tell his friend, who happens to also be a lukewarm Christian. Maybe God used my roommate to remind that friend about God, I don't know.

So it seems that God do speak, in an audible way, when He speaks. But the experience with Him so far is that, often, He speaks through people, the pulpit, His word and through circumstances. Anyway, we talked till about 1am and I believe that this wasn't so much a coincidental talk but God had blessed the sharing to edify one another. In fact, I found out that my roommate is current taking the Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) course and he invited me along. I do not know if I will be taking the course (it is 7 years long!) but one thing I know is that I asked God to help me in cell leadership, so whether it means I am to build up myself in His word, I shall wait for His prompting.

Led to Blog

Anyway, it took me a real long time to get this testimony together because of my hectic work schedule this week. But I told myself that I needed to get this together because it is a landmark event in my spiritual walk with God and I just needed to have it blogged to remind me how God worked to heal some of the hurts in my life. I also felt led by God to blog about this as a reminder to my friends and loved ones out there. Are there areas of unforgiveness and bitterness in your life today? Are there any areas you find it difficult to let go? God is willing to work with you to heal you if you let Him do His work in your life...

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