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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Still Pressing On...

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I am really struggling to come in to blog... there is a part of me that wants to blog because it chronicles my walk with the Lord and also helps me reflect on life so far but then on the other hand, maybe because I do not have time and really feel exhausted by the end of the day, so I will always put off blogging.

Anyway, just ended my aqua aerobics class yesterday and in a way, I am kind of relieved because it is one thing off my schedule. But then, frankly, I do feel the difference to my physical health going for aqua aerobics (some also say I look slimmer :D) but then since I am already paying for my gym, I might as well use the gym. Just went to work out for more than an hour last Tuesday and would say it was a good workout... Together with yesterday's aqua aerobics, I am feeling a bit better in terms of health, at least my abs feel tighter though sore now... put on a little weight the past few months, maybe because of my busy schedule and having put off going to the gym for a while. Also resumed started to put in more effort in doing my physiotherapy exercises in the morning, so guess maybe that's why my back doesn't hurt that much anymore... so happy I am walking about rather normally nowadays... for a period of time, was kind of thinking, will I be living with this pain for the rest of my life? Scary thought.

Pressing on...
Anyway, this week's the final lap... will be presenting my testimony to the church this weekend... I was very hesitant at first when I was asked to share my testimony for the "New Life Encounter" retreat I had last year. But then, having come to realise the restoration work that God has done in me and how He had blessed me... I just feel that I need to bless others as well; to encourage them to have their struggles addressed through the retreat. So I told God I am going forth in faith... but frankly, addressing the whole church of 2000-3000 is setting off a whole garden of butterflies in my stomach. And yesterday, I had rehearsal with KM and the feedback was that it sounded a little monotonous because I was reading from the script I have written. Frankly, I don't like reading from scripts because I know myself that I will sound monotonous but then thinking that I am going to be up there addressing so many people, I might just freeze if I don't have a script. Even though I had, on many occasions, delivered presentations without scripts, I just don't want what happened in secondary school to happen again. I remember joining the oratorical contest and I was supposed to speak on a topic for few minutes but thinking I can pull it off, I did my research and wrote down pointers. But when I went onto stage, I just froze and stuttered. But then yet again, I had my fair share of presenting to many people before without scripts and have made it. I don't know, maybe it is just the devil toying with my mind to make me all jittery about sharing my testimony since it will be going against what he is doing; helping people to free themselves from their bondages. I will press on.

Thank God for a Blessed Presentation
Work-wise, I thank God for blessing me so far. So much have gone well and everytime I think about how much has been achieved in my work ministry, I remember God's mercy and grace to me and how He had blessed my hand. Starting from last week, I was to be a speaker for one of the seminars on volunteer programme management. I thank God for guiding me through the preparation of the presentation slides and even the delivery. I was all nervous facing a whole room of close to 70 volunteer programme managers and management people but then surprisingly, I was able to share confidently and things just come to mind one after another to share and respond to people's queries. I thank God everything went so well that even during the sharing, another management person mentioned how it would have been wonderful to have me on their staff team and also how people approached me after the seminar to chat and another large organisation also mentioned how they would like to visit our organisation to study our volunteer programme. To me, the seminar was a tremendous success and it was a great morale booster to me. But then I am sharing all these not so much to boast because it comes to a point when I know that all these are not of me because I can see how God has blessed my hands through this ministry and things just fall in place nicely.

Leave or Not?
Then, recently, I have also received another job offer from a friend who is running a social service centre, asking me to consider helping him out in a job with volunteer programme management and also a bit of direct social work. Frankly, I was a bit thrilled knowing that there is a bit of direct social work practice, though I am not sure if I would do well, considering how people have been commenting that I seem to have a gifting in administration and systems. Though I was a bit excited with the job offer, I did come to realise that there are a lot of things that I cannot let go here... It is here where God has called me, it is here where God has blessed my hands, it is here that God blessed me with wonderfully nice and genuine colleagues, it is here where I have grew spiritually tremendously, it is here where I see my passion and skills meet.

CCA-wise, I felt I need to be "relieved" some of my external commitments with the new relationship; it was just too difficult to cope with so many things on hand and just not fair for my partner. Anyway, I needed time to also spend on ministry with my cell members. Anyway, last week handed over my portfolio in my professional association and I felt so relieved. For the first time, I was able to confidently chair the whole meeting and was even delegated jobs (for the last time). And, it was amazing how the chairperson taking over from me shared how he heard from the Lord about taking over the portfolio. Maybe the Lord has raised someone up so now I can spend time on my ministry and relationship.

God Spoke...
God also spoken a lot through the last weekend. On Saturday, I was to work on the cell plan for 2009 with KM and as I did my devotion that Saturday, I was reading scriptures from John 3:1-21, 1 Chronicles 12 and Zechariah 2. 1 Chronicles 12 spoke about how God blessed David with warriors and the right people to establish his kingdom while Zechariah 2 spoke about growth as God gathers His people... With cell planning in hand, could it be a promise from the Lord about my ministry? I just told the Lord that I will just go ahead and do what I can and leave the rest into His hands. Then, I remembered being all willful again on Sunday and felt that I grieved the Lord again. I remember "battering" myself for grieving the Lord and wondering how can I, a leader, continue to grieve the Lord as such. But as I read from the devotion from that day, the verses from John 5:1-18 spoke about how God healed someone at the pool and later said "Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you."... it was like a warning call...

Pass It On

Sang this song during staff devotion last week. Brings back memories and now that I came back to the Lord, it just feels different listening to this song and understanding the meaning of it all.

Pass it on - Antioch Community - lauds

It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing;
That's how it is with God's Love,
Once you've experienced it,
You spread the love to everyone
You want to pass it on.

What a wonderous time is spring,
When all the trees are budding
The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming;
That's how it is with God's love,
Once you've experienced it.
You want to sing, it's fresh like spring,
You want to pass it on.

I wish for you my friend
This happiness that I've found;
You can depend on Him
It matters not where you're bound,
I'll shout it from the mountain top
I want the world to know
The Lord of love has come to me
I want to pass it on.

I'll shout it from the mountain top
I want the world to know
The Lord of love has come to me
I want to pass it on.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Another Chance

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Sharing some notes I compiled from a staff devotion which we had recently :D hope it blesses you.

August 18, 2008

Another Chance

READ: Philemon 1:8-19
[You] have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him. —Colossians 3:10
For almost 100 years, a huge piece of flawed Carrara marble lay in the courtyard of a cathedral in Florence, Italy. Then, in 1501, a young sculptor was asked to do something with it. He measured the block and noted its imperfections. In his mind, he envisioned a young shepherd boy.

For 3 years, he chiseled and shaped the marble skillfully. Finally, when the 18-foot towering figure of David was unveiled, his student exclaimed to Michelangelo, “Master, it lacks only one thing—speech!”

Onesimus was like that flawed marble. He was an unfaithful servant when he fled from his master Philemon. But while on the run he came to know the Master Sculptor. As a changed man, he served God faithfully and was invaluable to Paul’s ministry. When Paul sent him back to Philemon, he commended him as one “who once was unprofitable to you, but now is profitable to you and to me” (1:11). He asked Philemon to receive Onesimus back as a brother (v.16).

Paul knew what it meant to be given another chance after past wrongs (Acts 9:26-28). He knew personally the transformation God can accomplish. Now he saw it in the life of Onesimus. The Lord can chisel His image on our flawed lives and make us beautiful and useful too. — Albert Lee

Christ takes each sin, each pain, each loss,
And by the power of His cross
Transforms our brokenness and shame
So that our lives exalt His name. —D. De Haan

Our rough edges must be chipped away to bring out the image of Christ.

Amazing Grace - Charlotte Church

A Timely Message
For me, the passage seem like a timely reminder because the last weekend, my church celebrated its 17th anniversary but more significantly, it is also the 3rd anniversary of my coming back to Christ after 15 years of walking away from Him. 3 years ago, God has shown grace to me despite having backslided for a long time. But God has, in His time, paved the way and brought me people to bring me back walking with Him. So now, everytime the church celebrates its anniversary, I am reminded of His mercy and grace.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found..."

A Changed Person
The past 3 years had its many ups and downs. But then as I stood there at my church's celebration and as the song "Amazing Grace" was sang, I reflected and am reminded how so much has changed; about how He has helped me to deal with past hurts, called me to ministry, bless my hands and guided me in ministry, help me feel secure in Him (even during trials) and how He has also helped me slowly understand who He is and realises the power of His word as He continue to speak to me through it:

"...Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved...

...Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home. "

Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who[b] have been called according to his purpose." says Romans 8:28 (NIV).

I strongly believe that sometimes certain things happen for a reason, just as how God has used my experience and past trials in helping me understand people and minister to them. I am not sure about it but then reading from Philemon, it seems that it was for a purpose that the slave left Philemon; that he become saved? Because in verse 15-16 it mentioned "Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good— no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother. He is very dear to me but even dearer to you, both as a man and as a brother in the Lord." So, Philemon's slave might become saved and became a "dear brother" and "a brother in the Lord".

Just like how God has Saul became king (1 Sam 9) and how subsequently David became king (1 Sam 16), I have come to realise how many many things have happened in my life for a reason. God has His purpose for things (though sometimes it seems so tough to endure):

Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV) "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV) There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven

Bearing the Wages of Wrong
As we discussed devotion today, I am reminded how I am likened to the rebellious slave in the book of Philemon, who ran away from his master. But he met Paul who later wrote a letter back to his friend Philemon to ask for him to accept his slave back and that

"if he [the slave] has done you [Philemon] any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to me [Paul]" Philemon 1:18 (NIV)

To me, it was as Christ had did, taking on our sins onto the cross for our forgiveness. Romans 6:23 (NIV) reminds us that "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord". Just as Paul as asked for forgiveness for Philemon's slave, so is Christ interceding for us:

"Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them." Hebrews 7:25 (NIV)

Blessed to Bless
And upon reflecting on my walk, God not only saves, forgives but also blesses us and work through us so as to bless many others...

For me, it was first a call back and then the call to minister to others.

Jer 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Genesis 12:3 (NIV) speaks of the Abrahamic Covenant and about our call in also bringing people back to Him after the fall.
"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

God has a purpose for everyone to ultimately play a part in reconciling more and bringing more into His kingdom. Be it through directly serving in ministry in church or through the marketplace, God has given each and everyone of us SHAPE(Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences). 1 Cor 12 speaks of how we are all different and each have its gift and that these gifts are given by God for the common good of building the body of Christ...

Romans 12:6 (NIV)
"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us."
1 Cor 12:7 (NIV)
"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good."

So we do have SHAPE and a purpose in the kingdom of God. A purpose that does not stop at only God's people but for us as well, just as the sculptor, in today's devotional reading, envisioned a sculpture of a young shepherd boy, despite it being a huge piece of flawed marble. It became the renowed Michelangelo's sculpture of King David.
(Picture: source)

What's the Response?
Interestingly, nothing much was mentioned about what happened in the end; what's the response of the master and importantly of the slave too. It really makes me wonder... did the slave change? Did he, in the end, become "useful" (Philemon 1:11)? What about the master? Did he exercise grace and accepted the slave back? What about us? Are we like the slave? Do we recognise that we can go back to God and that Jesus is interceding for us? God is calling, are you listening? Do we believe that we can be greater in God with His purpose and vision of us? Do we change to become better after the return? What about exercising grace? Is there anyone who we need to exercise grace, just as Paul has received grace from God (having been a Pharisee and persecuted Christians) and showing grace to the slave? What would you do if you are the master?

To me, this is a short, yet meaningful book on second chances, forgiveness and grace. It's a small book (just 1 page in the New Testament) that I would have missed but just as the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15, this is as one of my colleagues has put it, a more impactful book about returning to forgiveness.

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