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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, January 05, 2007


Mac's Waiting for Ya!

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Source: www.mcdonalds.co.uk

Delicious? Yup, I can get a craving for McMuffin just by looking at that... oh no, craving is here again. Anyway, my friend bought me a Mac breakfast this morning and it really cheered me up after yesterday's ordeal... really appreciate my friend's little kind gesture :)

Yum Yum...

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Yesterday Good, Today No Good

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Just as everything was going well yesterday, things took a drastic turn today... sighhh.

Perhaps the biggest boo-boo today is the fact I seem to have made my No. 2 in my organisation unhappy with me.

Firstly in the morning, just as I was going upstairs to run some errands, I stopped by a colleague's office to say hello and later stayed a little while more to talk about some photos we taken during the museum trip. Just as we were talking, his boss (the No. 2 of the organisation) walked in and saw us talking. But the problem is, she returned a few minutes later and there I was still talking with my friend... die la, she must think I very free...

Then later, she came downstairs to ask me to read one verse during staff devotion later in the morning. But, close to the time of the devotion, I was summoned into my boss' office to discuss something. Halfway through the discussion, I had to stop my boss to tell her I needed to go downstairs to read verse for the devotion but when I entered the chapel, the devotion has started and my No. 2 mentioned "it's OK codfishy, we have read your verse". Oh no, I was assigned a task by No. 2 but then I had to bungle it! Later in the day, my colleague shared with me that my No. 2 looked quite unhappy when she called for my name during the devotion only to realise I was not around.

It's a good thing I tried to look for my No. 2 to apologise for being delayed... not sure if explanation is accepted but then really I can't do anything now... My colleagues tried to comfort me by telling me not to worry and that it shouldn't bother me since I do not report to No. 2, sighh but the feeling of having someone upset with me is just so irritating... I know it is bad but then I am just a person who hopes to please everyone.

The verse is from Psalms 42:8 "
By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life"

Anyway, quite a number of minor bungles happened here and there. And again, today, I was beginning to feel real frustrated at work again... so many things gone wrong and just so irritated I have to fix all these... and then, it didn't help to also receive news of 5 people leaving the organisation. Well, it's a relatively big organisation and this month being January (right after receiving bonus), it might not be such a big deal after all to hear of resignations. But hearing the news of people leaving (especially a couple of people who I had least expected to leave) did have an impact on me, even more so when there are so many frustrations today.

Anyway, made a brief trip back to my old school today. Was there to discuss a volunteer fundraising project with a teacher. Although a new junior college has taken over the plot of land on which my former secondary school used to stand on, part of the old school building remained. As I walked about, I tried to picture what used to be in the different areas... it's a funny kind of feeling setting foot upon the same grounds where I spent my secondary school life... Interesting trip...

The JC which sits on the land where my secondary school used to stand.
The secondary school is still in the area but moved somewhere down the road.

Oh by the way, I am a bit less late today, 2 minutes better than yesterday but I did not go jogging today becuase it was raining, but instead ate 3
Ferrare Roche chocolates. Guilty guitly... It fact, felt quite horrible just didn't want to stay in office for too long, left shortly after 5pm...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


2007 Starts off Well

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Well, the year started off on a positive note and today, being the first working day of the year, turned out real well:
  • Punctuality - I made a new year resolution that I will try to be punctual especially for work and I am getting there. Still wasn't on time for work today but there is improvement, was only 10 minutes late :)
  • Email Overload - Having been away from office for close to 2 weeks now, I had expected a whole lot of email to follow-up with. However, thank God, the volume was manageable, with only about 70 new mails in each mailbox and several are failure deliveries, spam etc.
  • Feeling Refreshed - Felt refreshed at work and "all ready to go" for the new year
  • Feeling Relaxed - Am also interacting with colleagues with a more relaxed mood, no longer feeling as uptight
  • A Cute Gift - Received a surprise present from a colleague on my table... a mini M&Ms dispenser :) Now whenever I feel stressed, I can just push the spoon lever down and out comes mini M&Ms... Good to treat volunteers who walk into my office and great fun to play with

  • Friend is OK - Finally got to hear from my friend and he seems to be OK. Have been quite worried since I haven't heard from him for some time now but have been keeping him in prayer. Today, he came online and told me he is trying his best to forget this lady who seems to be cheating his money and is trying his best to avoid her. Mentioned that he is aware that this is something that only he can help himself. Affirmed him and shared how happy I was to hear that he is doing fine and taking a positive step to help himself. Did remind him that although it is something only he can do for himself, he need not face it alone and he is aware he has a support network of friends and loved ones... phew! He seems OK! Thank God!
  • Spiritual Growth - Am starting to read a bit of the old testament on my handphone and hope to be able to sustain my spiritual growth.
Of course there are things which did not go well also but somehow having rested for a while has really helped. Hope things continue to get better :)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Resolutions for 2007

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2006 is gone and here comes 2007. I like new years (NOT Chinese New Years because it is a time I have to endure comments about my big frame and questions about when I am intending to get attached etc) because it signifies a new year, a new beginning. It gives me the kind of feeling that hey, whatever that is bad is now over and hope of a better year and new opportunities to get things right.

Well, I am not the kind of person who makes new year resolutions but I will try nonetheless. Anyway, by writing down my resolutions somewhere, I am making a kind of commitment and am holding myself accountable to the resolutions I make. Same time next year, I will return to see how well I have fared...

But first, I really want to give thanks to God for giving me rest. After close to 10 days of being away from work, I am well rested. I recall being grouchy and was so burnt out that I had even wanted to resign. Well, it's not so bad now after having some rest but now, my leave has come to an end and it is back to work for me tomorrow (really hope not much work awaits me). Looks like it does not take going overseas to get a good rest. Resting back here in Singapore also gave me lots of chance to just walk around with a less hectic pace, give me time to catch up with old friends, time to do things and tasks that I had not have the time to do and to attend to (though I still have quite a bunch of tasks left). And while I was at it, took some time to also do some shopping, visit some museums with my colleagues and also rewarded myself with my newest toy :)

I also thank God for sending two friends to encourage me on yesterday on MSN at the same time. I was feeling a bit down after a recent cell group gathering and a new year gathering with friends; I was upset with myself for being so quiet and shy and just can't fathom why i find it so hard to talk to people. In fact, I started to wonder if I made the right decision to step up as a cell group leader. By yesterday afternoon, I felt so drained. But thank God for sending two friends to encourage me.

One of them, my friend and sister-in-christ, asked me:

"In your opinion, what is a good cell group leader?"

and immediately, that somehow got things straighten out for me. It is clear to me that, as much as being a sociable person is important as a cell group leader, a cell group leader's role is still to help people walk closer to God and to grow spiritually. Within minutes, another friend, my former cell group leader also came online to talk to me about my role as a cell leader in training. She shared with me that she was also like me, introverted and quiet and throughout her tenure as a cell group leader, she relied on God to help her and also tapped on others who could complement her in reaching out to the cell group members socially. Her sharing did indeed help me feel more encouraged.

Anyway, back to my resolutions. In 2007, I resolve to:
  1. Be healthy - For the sake of my health, I am going to attempt to maintain a healthy lifestyle which will include at least jogging at Bishan Park at least twice a week and eating healthily as well. I am aiming to lose some 8-10kg and be sub-80kg by the end of the year.
  2. Live a balanced lifestyle - For my sanity's sake, I will attempt to balance work and my social life more. That would means to say that I will need to take on less external commitments, spend less time at work and more time with my loved ones and out with friends. Recognize that relationships need to be maintained and not neglected.
  3. Be punctual - For work and appointment with friends, I aim to be punctual and no longer late. Will try to work on that. That would means that I need to get enough sleep the night before so I will be on time for work. No more procrastinating to wake up in the mornings.
  4. Spot a new look - Not so important but at some point in the year, I would like to spot a new look; maybe different hairstyle etc
  5. Grow spiritually - I hope to grow more spiritually to be able to take up the challenge of leading God's people and children. I want to walk closer with God...
  6. Be more humble - Not to feel that I "know all and am indispensible". Need to remind myself of one of my philosophies of life "To always learn from others"
  7. Be financially prudent - Well, I haven't been spending unnecessarily (except for the times I rewarded myself with little pleasures) but I believe I can do better. Maybe less taxi rides (especially once I am punctual, there will no longer be the need to take taxis) and also less expenditure on unnecessary stuff.
OK, approaching 12 midnight, need to work tomorrow. Will have to go set my alarm and go sleep early...

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Worship Marathon

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Just came back from my cell group's new year get-together cum fundraising dinner to bless overseas mission projects. Though it was a simple meal prepared by one of our fellow cell group members, we are once again reminded how blessed we are while the respective representatives presented their "cases" on work with the sickly, needy and underprivileged in countries such as Cambodia and China.

Frankly, throughout the dinner, I was the usual quiet me and it just seem so difficult to start conversations or even sustain a conversation with people. Most times, I just played the role of the silent observer... sitting in one small corner. Occasionally, I spoke but then I realised I usually speak so softly no one hears me and I will just go back into my little comfortable corner. This really made me wonder if I have made the right choice taking up the challenge to be a cell leader in training. I know a leader does not have to be an extrovert but how do I lead a group if I am not even able to start or sustain a conversation with them? This really worries me even though I won't be officially taking over leadership until 6 months later, that is if I am suitable. Now I will still be on "L" plate :)

But, I did managed to get into conversation with a new friend who was an extrovert. Mainly, she kept the conversation going but then somehow, somewhere along the conversation, there came the opportunity to share my testimony about how I returned to Christ after years of backsliding. Sharing my testimony somehow reminded me about the work God has done in my life and surprisingly, she thanked me for sharing my testimony, which I felt was nothing great really. But whatever it is, I do hope my testimony would have helped make at least a small impact in her spiritual walk, showing how real God is and how He does not forget His children :)

The most fun part of the dinner is the later part. While some were making their way home, 7 of us remained and someone suggested doing a simple worship session. So the guitar was brought out and songs sheets were distributed but soon, it became a worship marathon and we must have sang like about 20-30 songs in over 2 hours non-stop... That got to be the first time I have sang so many worship songs in a go but I enjoyed every moment of it, singing praises to God...

My wish to God is that He will prepare me to be a good cell group leader able to help His children to grow spiritually.

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