Worship Marathon
Just came back from my cell group's new year get-together cum fundraising dinner to bless overseas mission projects. Though it was a simple meal prepared by one of our fellow cell group members, we are once again reminded how blessed we are while the respective representatives presented their "cases" on work with the sickly, needy and underprivileged in countries such as Cambodia and China.
Frankly, throughout the dinner, I was the usual quiet me and it just seem so difficult to start conversations or even sustain a conversation with people. Most times, I just played the role of the silent observer... sitting in one small corner. Occasionally, I spoke but then I realised I usually speak so softly no one hears me and I will just go back into my little comfortable corner. This really made me wonder if I have made the right choice taking up the challenge to be a cell leader in training. I know a leader does not have to be an extrovert but how do I lead a group if I am not even able to start or sustain a conversation with them? This really worries me even though I won't be officially taking over leadership until 6 months later, that is if I am suitable. Now I will still be on "L" plate :)
But, I did managed to get into conversation with a new friend who was an extrovert. Mainly, she kept the conversation going but then somehow, somewhere along the conversation, there came the opportunity to share my testimony about how I returned to Christ after years of backsliding. Sharing my testimony somehow reminded me about the work God has done in my life and surprisingly, she thanked me for sharing my testimony, which I felt was nothing great really. But whatever it is, I do hope my testimony would have helped make at least a small impact in her spiritual walk, showing how real God is and how He does not forget His children :)
The most fun part of the dinner is the later part. While some were making their way home, 7 of us remained and someone suggested doing a simple worship session. So the guitar was brought out and songs sheets were distributed but soon, it became a worship marathon and we must have sang like about 20-30 songs in over 2 hours non-stop... That got to be the first time I have sang so many worship songs in a go but I enjoyed every moment of it, singing praises to God...
My wish to God is that He will prepare me to be a good cell group leader able to help His children to grow spiritually.
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