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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Preparing for the New Year

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Off the Moustache
Was trying to keep this moustache for an upcoming dinner and dance, but guess I am not used to having a moustache and somehow it doesn't look nice. So I have decided... off it goes and now it's gone. Definitely look younger now hehehe...

Spring Cleaning
Was supposed to do spring cleaning yesterday to prepare the home for new year but somehow procrastinated till 8 in the evening... somehow I was just so mentally tired I just laid around for the whole day, not doing much. By 11pm, managed to clear a bit of the clutter of bags lying around in the living room (I am one of the culprits for that :D) and threw away lots of old bills and unwanted leaflets etc.

In the afternoon, I had also done a bit of spring cleaning of my email box and decided that I should start a address book of friends I would like to keep in touch with, and added their email address to my outlook address book. I literally went through all my emails in outlook and thought through very carefully who I wanted to keep in touch with and who I didn't want to remain in contact (mainly people I feel I couldn't trust).

Challenging Year Ahead
Just this week, I heard a piece of "not-so-good" news and I hope this year will not get more challenging. Heard from my mum that she has resigned from her job and that makes both my mum and dad not working, and with my sis still studying, that leaves me as the only one working. Guess, I have to start praying that my mum will find another job soon. Meanwhile, I will just have to made adjustments and try to save as much as possible, just in case... Had wanted to buy a new handphone but guess I will put that on hold now... just not a necessity.

"No Visitation" Policy
I have decided that I will not go for any Chinese New Year visitations because I just don't see the need anymore. I am not particularly close to my relatives and just feel out of place everytime I go to their homes. And since I am approaching 30, they will start asking when I will get married and why am I getting fatter that sort of stuff... thanks but no thanks... anyway, I was feeling real horrible today since I am down with flu (must be all the dust from yesterday's spring cleaning that has caused me to sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and all the new year goodies I have started to indulge myself through the week). So went home to rest after church service. Did take a walk around my town centre though and it was so deserted...

Where's everyone?
Quiet Quiet Town Centre...

Saw this outside Downtown East
"Lion Dance Plucking Green"? (Think they referring to "Cai Qing")
Careful not to wear green or the lion will come "pluck" you :D


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