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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, August 04, 2007


God Will Make a Way

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Visited Festival of Praise (FOP) yesterday and this year, it is my second time visiting FOP. Maybe it's because I am not getting any younger but then I did not enjoy the the music worship session; somehow I was meditating on the lyrics but then I could not relate to the lyrics nor get used to the extremely loud music. Not until Don Moen... Frankly, I find myself being impressed by Don Moen more so than any other guest speaker or band at FOP.

A Role Model
Like a jewel, Don Moen seem to stand out amidst the rest for me as a person who is relatively more humble and one who is constantly seeking the Lord. I believe that the Lord has used the others to minister to different people but then for me, it is Don Moen more than anyone else. From his disposition, I can tell that he is someone who seems to be constantly seeking the Lord and despite being an international worship artiste, he forever looks humble and like this fatherly figure. I admire him not because he is a renowned artiste but because I would like to be like him. His songs also spoke depths to my heart as I meditated on the words... I am really not a person with many words and so I express my heart, praise, worship, thanksgiving and cry to the Lord through worship songs, meditating every word in my heart.

Singing My Emotions
Just as the time that I am still struggling with not experiencing the Lord and crying out to Him about cell leadership and things in general, Don Moen took out his bible to read Isaiah 43 and sang the following songs which ministered to me greatly:

I Will Sing

Lord You seem so far away.A million miles or more it feels today.
And though I haven't lost my faith, I must confess right now that its hard for me to pray.
But I don't know what to say and I don't know where to start.
But as you give the grace with all thats in my heart.
I will sing.
I will praise even in my darkest time through the sorrow and the pain.
I will sing.I will praise.
Lift my hands to honor You because Your word is true.I will sing.
Lord, it's hard for me to see all the thoughts and plans You have for me.
But I will put my trust in You.Lord will meet Your guide to set me free.
But I don't know what to say and I don't know where to start.
But as you give the grace with all thats in my heart.
I will sing.
I will praise even in my darkest time through the sorrow and the pain.
I will sing.I will praise.
Lift my hands to honor You because Your word is true.I will sing. (2 times)

This song spoke to me greatly about the uncertainty in cell leadership as I cry out "Lord, you have called me to cell leadership but sometimes I really don't know what to do".


Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are god

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

Still speaks of how I would like to be still and trusting of the Lord through all the storms.

God Will Make a Way

God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way He will make a way

By a roadway in the wilderness
He'll lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His word will still remain
He will do something new today

And here, Don Moen shares about the story behind "God Will Make a Way". As I listen to this song, I pray to God to make a way for me amidst all these:

God is Good

God is good all the time
He put a song of praise
In this heart of mine
God is good all the time
Through the darkest night
His light will shine
God is good
God is good all the time

If you're walking through the valley
There are shadows all around
Do no fear He will guide you
He will keep you safe and sound
He has promised to never leave you
Nor forsake you
And His Word is true

We were sinners so unworthy
Still for us He chose to die
He filled us with His Holy Spirit
Now we can stand and testify
That His love is everlasting
And His mercies they will never end

Though I may not understand
All the plants You have for me
My life is in Your hands
And through the eyes of faith
I can clearly see

This is a song of rejoicing and how I hope I can rejoice one day in the Lord when all these is over and God delivers me. Loved it when Don Moen and his team played it country music style :) Very lively :) It was a wonderful time of worship for me as I stood before the Lord.

Where's Your Heart?
Frankly, throughout the message, I was rather restless because the message was based 1 and 2 Samuel on the anointing of David as the King of Israel and of how he has a heart for God, which has been covered over sermons in the past few weeks. But then something became very clear, the theme this week seems to be on the heart for God. Frankly, as I struggle on with cell leadership, I can see how God has caused this topic to resurface again and again; this period seems to be on that, as though God is reminding me about to reflect where my heart is everytime I cry out to him in prayer. I myself am getting real sick with all my whining about my struggles and I pray to God for my breakthrough. Incidentally, this week's Old Testament Challenge is on Psalm and expressing our emotions to God, how appropriate! Then, I was given a "spiritual awakening" by Stitch Giver because I was caught eating lunch on Wednesday despite my fasting. She helped me see the importance of not just relying on "isolated" experiences of God but also be sustained daily with prayer, quiet time and the reading of His word and naturally we will experience Him. Our spiritual walk, if just sustained by "isolated" experience with God won't sustain us as much as having quiet time prayer and the reading of His word daily. This, Stitch Giver, shared, has helped her to experience God. Then, Thursday's talk on listening to God further reaffirmed that I need to rely on the word of God, which brings life and is consistent to who God is. Important lessons also learnt is to discern whether something is from the Lord by asking whether is it consistent to what we know about the Lord? Whether it brings life and transformation and whether it is consistent to what the Lord has revealed to us in the past, for the present and future? Then the last part of yesterday's message (though I was restless most of the time) made me "jump" on my seat as I come to realise that we can be like David and ask for fresh anointing from the Lord. David too, had once experience the Lord intensely but then later distanced himself from the Lord. But he made the commitment to ask for fresh anointing.

Feeling Rejected YET AGAIN
Just yesterday itself, I had to again contend with a few dynamics within my cell group. I kind of feel my former cell leader is rather unhappy that I cancelled cell to go for festival of praise. Then, not many from my cell came and despite me sms to ask if they are coming, there are a few who just did not reply me (and they have not been coming to cell). Felt extremely rejected AGAIN.

Then when I met two from my cell at Dhoby Ghaut to make our way down to FOP, there was so much awkwardness and I can see how the guy is trying to make conversation with me but, maybe it is just me, but then I find it very hard to sustain conversations... so there is much awkward silences. Sometimes, I really find myself to be really the boring kind of person that people do not want to hang around. There are groups I am OK with but there are groups I am just quiet and not know what to say. Even when I asked about supper, not many people seemed enthusiastic about it. This is really "killing" me.

Be More Decisive
Then, I kind of became critical of myself when I made the stupid decision to ask my former cell leader to help me go to church yesterday to help me collect the FOP tickets that church has blessed us with. I do agree with her that this is rather last minute and I had to make her make her way all the way to the church to collect it. It was really a lot of trouble because she had to go to church to collect it and then pass it to another member who is coming to FOP because she herself is not coming for it. After speaking to her in the morning, I then decided to maybe just let go of the whole thing. But then, I realised she has already made arrangements with another member when to pass the tickets etc and so I held back the new decision. If only my decision making skills can be better and I can be more assertive. Later that afternoon, she sent me a sms which I did not take very well, saying that the tickets has been collected and it was good work out, that her skin tone is one toner darker and more freckles. Then later in the night, I had a friend bring another friend along and I think owing to the fact I was not decisive about where to eat, which cab to take etc, it seemed there was a bit of frustration and some just decided to go home. Codfishy, be more decisive!

Just Tempted to Give Up
Then, as a cell leader, not only do I have to be decisive, deal with rejection, be concerned for others' spiritual growth, plan cell growth, deal with admin, prepare cell group discussion, but also be discerning about where we get our spiritual nourishment from. I have come to realise that there are so many false prophets and teachers amidst us, we need to remain in check and pray for discernment. And even more so as a cell leader as we take responsibility for God's flock because savage wolves can strike even from our midst. Again, sometimes it is just so tempting to just give up cell leadership.

OK, before I end, here's a little other rambling:
  • I just can't stand how come sometimes people can be so inconsiderate like blasting music on board the bus from their handphones as if everyone would enjoy their kind of music. Saw a group of students doing that but then frankly, I did not dare to approach them because they look like those "gangster" type... but sigh
  • I am getting to really miss direct work. Went to visit one of my centres on Thursday and can see the kind of meaningful work they are doing at the ground level. I was really amazed when I saw how the introverted youth worker was able to win the respect of the rowdy students and all she had to say is that she wants 2 minutes silence and the students would do it. And when another talked, the others would "hit" him and ask him to keep quiet. But deep inside, I can also see that each student had a story to tell, some sad story and the worker takes time to listen to each of them. It really makes me jealous because I like to "be there for someone" but then my introvertedness just makes it difficult. I sincerely even want to be able to do this with my cell members but then everytime I try, there is awkward silence and that just makes me fear talking to them.
  • I am glad to had been able to have a frank chat with Stitch-Giver about somethings at work and am glad that things turned out well and we were frank with each other. I am thankful that God has sent her to affirm me and also help me in my spiritual walk.
  • I had a real headache starting from yesterday morning. I was at a training and sometimes, it is really draining when you are sitting at a table where the people do not really get the objectives of group exercises and you have to spend lots of time and energy to help them see it. I am not saying that I am smart or what but then when everyone have different expectations about what is to be achieved, a lot of time is wasted on trying to understand the instructions. I did not want to be imposing at first but then as time went by, I had to step in to just say something. I do not know how the others took it and whether they think I am a smart Aleck but then something had to be done. Oooo, but headache throughout the day.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Miss, Are You OK? Are You Mad?

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Drama in the Morning
Encountered something really, well how do I describe it, "weird" this morning. Was on my way to work and I made it a point to try to be on time because we were having a new colleague reporting for work today. But then, as I crossed the bridge to get to other side to take a bus to my office, I saw a lady (wearing this short skirt) who laid on the floor on the bridge. The funny thing is that a couple of people have walked past her and did nothing; they just turned back to look at her. I walked past her too but then sensing something was not right, I turned back and asked if she is OK.

She seemed to be rolling her eyes upwards and very weak. She told me that she had not taken her morning insulin jab and mentioned that she wanted to make her way back to Bukit Batok for her insulin jab.
Helped her up and walked her down the bridge (all the time worrying that she will just collapse and fall down the steps). On one hand, I am concerned that she will fall but on the other hand, I am real cautious of touching her, just in case she accuses me of taking advantage of her. I told her that maybe I should get her a cab to bring her back home for her jab but she was reluctant.

As we reached the foot of the steps of the bridge, I saw an available taxi (which is really rare at this peak hour) and stretched my hand out to hail the cab. The cab made a immediate turn towards where I am but then the lady walked away, insisting that she wants to take the bus. Hence, I was left standing in between the cab and her as she walked away. The taxi drove off and I went to the lady to see how else I can help her but she shouted at me to ask me to go do my stuff and just leave her alone (felt extremely rejected at this time) and just left her to walk herself to the bus-stop.

Was waiting for my bus and soon she came to the bus-stop, sat herself down and start hyperventilating and crying... many people were starting to look at her.
Could not take it anymore and decided to try to talk her round to let me help her even if I am going to be scolded by her yet again. At this point in time, I was feeling a whole range of emotions, I felt rejected, scared, concerned and suspicious whether she is sane or whether she is genuine or will she accuse me of things. I asked her if I can bring her to a nearby polyclinic for her insulin jab but she refused, saying that she has no money. Then the old lady beside her told me that she had earlier offered her help but she ignored her. Nonetheless, the old lady brought out a bottle of medicated oil and offered to her but again she refused the offer. Kept telling me that she just wants to take bus 157 back to her Bukit Batok home for the jab. She was hyperventilating very hard now and can tell that she is in pain, with her fist clutching onto her chest. I assured her that I am a social worker and will talk to the staff at the polyclinic if necessary (I was also prepared to pay for the taxi and also jab if necessary) but she refused.

Later, she asked if I can help her get a cab and tell the driver she only have $2 on her. Not knowing what to do and seeing that she is agreeable to taking a cab, I went to the head of the bus stop to hail a cab. This must have been eternity as I stood there waiting for a cab, with the seconds ticking away and me running real late for work but I called office to inform my colleagues that I am caught up with this lady. After like about fifteen minutes, I saw a cab and he stopped. Told the cab to drive further up to the lady and as she was getting on the cab, I motioned her to move in so I can accompany her to make sure she is OK but upon seeing me wanting to get in, she immediately ran out from the cab and shouted at me to stay away from her.

Again, I found myself standing in between the cab and the bus-stop with her walking away, totally embarrassed and rejected. The cab just drove away without hesitation. I told myself, "That's it! It takes two hands to clap and if she doesn't want to be helped, I will just let her be". Although I do know that the way she had reacted might also be due to the fact that she may not trust man. But deep inside me, I was hurt and upset that she had embarrassed me. I remained where I was and tried to hail a cab for myself.

Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw someone dropping off a lady from a car. As she alighted, she was smiling radiantly and waved goodbye to her friends. I do not know why but at this point in time, I was thinking that how at every point in time, there would be someone who is hurting. I later saw this lady who just alighted from the car talking to another lady at the bus-stop about the lady who was still hyperventilating in pain. Deciding to give it one last try (who knows, maybe this lady can accompany her home for her jab), I went up to her and told her that she needed her insulin jab. But what she told me later really caught me by surprise. She told me that this lady has mental issues and she always see her in the area. I really do not know what to make of the whole thing... I felt confused, possibly cheated, angry, rejected, concerned, scared and felt that I looked like a fool etc. After all, I am running real late for work and all these turn out to be possibly just mental illness? I really don't know. Actually I do not regret having stopped to offer help but then sometimes you just don't feel good feeling rejected, made to look like a fool etc. She later limped and boarded bus 153 (instead of 157 which she wanted to take) and I also boarded bus 88 which came by soon after. I felt rotten inside, not knowing what to make of the whole incident; on one hand I worry for her safety, but on the other hand I was hurt, upset, angry and embarrassed. Frankly, I am not blogging about this to boast of how a good Samaritan I am but really, this incident has affected me since morning.

Still Struggling
Upon thinking back, I really don't know if God is telling me something about cell leadership. Maybe it is telling me that sometimes, I may want to help but the other party will also want to be helped. Maybe it is telling me that I will feel rotten that things don't work out well but do I regret having taken the step? Over the last few weeks, I have really been struggling with cell leadership. Somehow, I do not know how to lead anymore and beginning to feel that people are just not used to my leading style. I am trying very hard but then, sigh, maybe things don't seem to match up to MY expectations. Frankly, I got quite upset and frustrated with the Lord and inquired if indeed I have been called and why things are just not turning out fine? It is really demoralising that when you take over cell, 5 people no longer come to cell while I kind of sense that some others are frustrated that cell is not growing. I sense rejection week after week. It is so tiring and I just want to give up. In fact, I once joked with my ex-CG leader that I sometimes just don't want to have expectations at all because the more I expect, sometimes the more I will feel disappointed. And sometimes, I also sense my ex-CG leader don't really agree with many of the ways I do things and this just doesn't go down well with me. I made a decision to finish off my term this year and not continue next year only to have Sunday's sermon reminding me again of my desire to have God change me from the inside out and for Him to make me complete. As we sang the worship songs and I just sincerely spoke to Him that "if this is Your will for me then to please please help me transform and be complete in You".

I was getting real frustrated that I haven't been able to experience Him too and it somehow is made worst as I was reading the book "Heavenly Man" given by my cell. The book is a testimony of a brother Yun who has been persecuted severely in China for following Christ. But God has used him mightily for his purpose. As I read the book, I asked God why did He not let me experience Him as deeply as brother Yun. But then later I realised, "are you ready to take on the persecution that brother Yun took up for Christ; running away like a fugitive from the Public Security Bureau, beaten and tortured by them?". The answer, unfortunately, is "no".

But then, even as I go into a period of not experiencing God (I was corrected by my CG members last week during CG meeting that it is not that "God has left me" but "He is still around, just me not being able to be connected to Him for one reason or another"), I thank God for a blessed day yesterday which reminds me of how real He is. Early in the morning, I received a sms from "the girl who I was starting to take a liking for" and she prayed a sms prayer for me. Everything she mentioned in the sms was exactly what I was asking of the Lord. What is surprising is how she knows what I am asking of the Lord because I did not tell her much. But her prayer came:

"Dear heavenly Father, may you bring my brother codfishy to a place of understanding where he can cry out to you for help. If the deliverance he prays for isn't immediate, keep him from discouragement and help him to be confident that you have begun a good work in him and will complete it (Philippians 1:6). Give him the certainty that even in his most hopeless state, when he finds it impossible to change anything, You Lord, can change everything. In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN!"

Indeed, I was crying out to God to change me and to change me to be a good leader for His purpose, so if His purpose for me is to shepherd and lead his people, then I may walk in His guided path. But I was crying out for change for this. And it is true that I need to be kept from discouragement and be more confident.

As we sang the two worship songs on Sunday, I "cried out" to the Lord for help in this area:

From the Inside Out

A thousand times I've failed
Still Your mercy remains And should I stumble again
I'm caught in Your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing You praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

In my heart and my soul
Lord I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out

Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out


Here I am, Oh God
I bring this sacrifice--my open heart.
I offer up my life.
I look to You, Lord
Your love that never ends
Restores me again

So I lift my eyes to you, Lord
In Your strength will I break through, Lord
Touch me now, let your love fall down on me
And I will be complete in You.

I look to You, Lord
Your love that never ends
Restores me again

So I lift my eyes to you Lord
In your strength will I break through Lord
Touch me now, let your love fall down on me
I know your love dispels all my fears.

Through the storm I will hold on Lord
And I pray I will hold on, Lord
Then I'll see beyond my calvary one day
And I will be complete in
I will be complete in
I will be complete in You

Experiencing God Again
I later managed to talk to the "girl who I was beginning to take a liking" (and we did talk till 1am yesterday night) and she did tell me she prayed to God to reveal to her what I was struggling with, so she can pray for me. Besides the surprisingly accurate prayer, I also thank God when I experienced Him while speaking to my friend. I thank God for a blessed time together as my old friend listens me out on the Christian faith. Prior to meeting him, I prayed a little prayer that God will bless the time together and indeed he did. Was supposed to meet him in Braddell in the evening to bring him to Botak Jones for dinner but then decided to drop by at Campus Crusade Bookshop there while waiting for him. Boy was it a huge bookshop! He later did come to the bookshop to find me and the funny thing was that, instead of me buying anything, he ended up buying something.

And the conversation went surprisingly well too. I found myself having a good time reflecting and sharing with him about my faith and it was amazing some of the things I said... things that I was sure it would not have come from my mouth... so thank God. It was a whole 4 hours conversation and I shared on many topics from:
  • Christianity as not a religion but a relationship with God
  • It's focus is on reconciliation with God more so than any other things
  • The bible being a chronicle of how God has worked in the lives of His people, how He blessed them, loves them and unfolds a salvation plan, Jesus Christ, to save them.
  • The bible being a "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth" showing us how to live our lives in Christ-like manner
  • How focus on God is more important than on worship songs, sermons and pastors (because man is fallible) and how focusing on the wrong thing can sometime cause people to be misled
  • How Christianity, Judaism and Islam are from the same roots but somehow parted ways, but how some mentioned that eventually these differences will be reconciled
  • Second-coming of Christ and end of days
  • Heart of repentance being crucial in the Christian walk rather than numbers
  • Ten commandments, the two greatest commandments and the great commission
  • Christian living and how we are all in a therapy programme aiming to be more Christ-like, so when we do sin, do we run to or away from God. Do we feel that when we are bad, God is mad?
  • Faith and obedience (talked about Moses and the Israelites)
It was really amazing seeing how things really fit together nicely throughout the conversation and while yes indeed there was one time I was confronted with something I cannot really explain but 95% of the conversation, I was surprised at the things that I was saying. It was as if all the CG discussions I prepared for in the past few weeks came in handy in helping me understand God and also share God. It was as if God had placed me in a modular training programme as I trained "on the job" as a cell leader and this came in handy when sharing Christ.

Stand Firm
Then after I came back from 4 hours of talking about the Christian faith, my prayer partner (the "girl who I was taking a liking") called and she did not sound very good. Could tell that she was not in a good state and just came back from a bad experience at the evangelism course. I was surprised at some of her trainer's perspective of things! Some of the things I heard I was really feeling uncomfortable about but then I will continue to pray with her for wisdom and discernment and if necessary, I will encourage her to bring the matter up to the higher authorities in church. But thank God He gave me 1 Cor 15:58 at the right time to encourage her. I was really glad that she sounded OK towards the end of the conversation. In fact, I can really see how passionate she is burning for Christ and how God is really working in her life. I can see how God has given her certain giftings and has plans for her.

Things that Did Not Turn Out as Well
While there were certain things which went well, some things also did not go well at work. For one, I did not feel good when I was being "told off" twice about somethings and also today, I felt kind of disappointed when I felt I was like left stranded at work sometimes when people just did not seem to want to go beyond their scope of work or take on just that extra.
Thank God for Wonderful "Retro" Fellowship
But all is not too bad. Went for a friend's birthday celebration and we ate at Manhattan Fish Market at Central. The place was wonderfully big and had so many food places. The food was good and so was the company. Throughout the whole time, they were playing English songs from the 80s and 90s, such nostalgia. Then, we decided to make our way to this Chinese dessert shop at Chinatown called "Ji De Chi" and the dessert was heavenly :) Along the way, me and my friends even started singing Chinese songs from the 80s and 90s. So fun! I really enjoyed the company thought today "the friend who rejected his birthday gift" seemed a bit depressed again and it did dampened mood a bit. Some of us asked him what was wrong but he did not share.

Thank God for a Wonderful Pre-Teachers' Day Reunion
Oh, I want to thank God for a wonderful Sunday last week as well. My sharing on volunteer resources management with some grassroot leaders went very well and I really thank God for it. I was exceptionally extroverted and, in my own opinion, confident with my presentation (sometimes, I do not understand why I am able to do this in the "secular" world but when it comes to CG, I am so nervous. Maybe the responsibility and accountability is greater as a CG leader that I do not misled my members). In fact, at the Q&A, I was so surprised at how I answered some of the questions, things that I did not even believe I would say. Thank God. Also thank God for a wonderful pre-teachers' day celebration with our JC Geography teacher. I really thank God for a few things:

  • Thank God that my department chose to visit the same restaurant I was slated to visit that Sunday because it is only then that I realised that the restaurant had moved. Had I not went with my department, many of us would have gone to the wrong place
  • Thank God that the gathering went well and in the end, the restaurant turned out to be just two lanes away from where my ex-teacher stays. Why I thank God is because she had to leave by 8.30pm to fetch her son to his NS camp and the very fact the restaurant was so nearby meant she could stay with us a little longer
  • Thank God we had a wonderful fellowship with one another and we even went to a chinese "Tong Shui" (dessert) place along Thomson Road after that.
  • Thank God for protecting us when my friends car turned into a huge one-way lane but was on the opposite direction
Thank God for Affirming Angels
Lastly, I want to thank God for all the angels He has sent into my life in the last few weeks to affirm me including Stitch Giver, WT, my prayer partner, my colleague who supports me at work and AS.

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