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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Sense of Personal Achievement

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I am seriously starting to dread going to work nowadays because there is just too much coordination work to be done with so many volunteers to place, so many volunteers to interview, so many pending placements to round up, project discussions etc, statistics to monitor and compile and at the same time working on the direction the whole volunteer management system in my organization is going... it is just so overwhelming.

In the end, I couldn't stand it anymore and decided that I needed to do something about it. And so, I decided that I needed a simple database to help me track my referrals as well as help me compile statistics with just a click of a button, at least for the time being until a proper system can be set up to aid volunteer management.

So, I put aside all my work and started working on a database using Access... spent the whole day from 9am to 9pm, developing and refining the system as well as keying in all my pending volunteer placements. Finally, voila! The simple database is completed... hehehe. Though simple, I nonetheless feel a great sense of satisfaction since I have not touched Access for a long time now.

Now, tracking my volunteer placements and referrals as well as compiling statistics is relatively a breeze, as compared to the past... yeah! An achievement, finishing a database in a day :)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


"Brainwashing" Lessons

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I finally managed to get a copy of the cult's 30 lessons from someone, who operates an anti-JMS forum. His website provides much information on the group as well as an avenue for people to share information and their experiences with the group.

Being skeptical, I inquired on the source of the lessons and he shared that he had gotten them from the husband of a former member of the group, who had joined the group to her his ex-girlfriend out. He took a total of 2 years... talking about determination.

Anyway, although I know have the lessons, I didn't really dare read it; I am just afraid of being "brainwashed". Anyway, sent a copy to my cell leader and we will see what we can do and maybe get some opinion on it... someone really need to do something about this! Anyway, I did take a little peek at the lessons and it seems to hint that the second coming is here and that the korean guy is the messiah... hmmm?

My friend called me again. I decided to stay connected to him so as not to lose him but I have yet to take any concrete action as yet. He asked if I am keen to go for his service again but I gracefully declined. We eventually talked about the sermons and webcast over the net and being curious, I asked where they got the webcast from (since I can not find their website). He told me that he needs to ask for permission whether I can access the website and view the sermons. Inside me, I am thinking: If this is indeed the messiah and he is here to save the world, why all the secrecy? Shouldn't you be proclaiming the good news?

'Nuff said!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


JMS @ Our Doorstep

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Was reading more about the group and realized that it might have already infiltrated our university, targetting youths...

According to a discussion board at http://falsemessiah.proboards23.com/index.cgi?board=info&action=display&thread=1115133812, it seems that there is link between the NUS Students' Youth Developer Group (YDG) and the JMS group, although reference to its affiliation to the Global Association for Culture and Peace (GACP), founded by Joshua Jung, has been removed (anyway the GACP website is also gone).

And some of the very activities they conduct are:
  • Cheerleading activities
  • Soccer activities
  • Modelling
  • Korean Language course and "July Pre-camp for 8th GACP Conference" (this is found on their "Past Events" page despite having removed reference to GACP, could this be indicative of its affiliation?)
Very similar activities that are organized by students groups affiliated to JMS worldwide in school campuses. I do pray no tragedy has happened as yet.

JMS "30" Lessons
By the way, I am still trying to find information on the "30 lessons" but can't seem to find any. The only ones I found is a photo gallery showing 8 pages from the lessons at http://www.jmscult.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b332d00be425. I have emailed the owner to see if I can get copies of the whole lesson for study. Managed to however find the contents of the lessons (the webpage is no longer available but glad Google has this "cached page" function):
  • 베드로와물고기=Peter and the Fish
  • 태양아 멈추어라=Sun, Stand Still
  • 엘리야와 까마귀밥=Elijah and Raven's Food
  • 7단계 법칙=Seven Steps of the Law
  • 삼분설=Three Divisions (Trichotomy)
  • 비유론=Parables
  • 불의개념=Judgement of Fire
  • 말세론=Last Days (Eschotology)
  • 무지속의 상극세계=Conflict in Ignorance
  • 이단의 개념=Concept of Herosy
  • 홍수심판=Judgement of the Flood
  • 예정론=Predestination
  • 중심인물론=Central Figures
  • 부활론=Resurrection
  • 사탄론=Satan
  • 가인성격=Cain's Personalities
  • 영계론=Spiritual World
  • 계시론=Revelations
  • 메시아 자격론=The Qualifications of the Messiah
  • 천년왕국론=The Millennium
  • 예수님과 엘리야의 재림승천 실상비교=Comparison of the Advent of Jesus and Elijah
  • 예수님과 세례요한의 관계사명 비교=Related Mission of Jesus and John the Baptist
  • 유대교, 기독교 교리비교=Comparision of the Doctrines of Judaism and Christianity
  • 두감람나무와 두증인=Two Olive Trees and two Witnesses
  • 한때 두때 반때=Time, Times, and Half a Time
  • 창조목적=The Purpose of Creation
  • 타락론=The Fall
  • 구원론=Savation
  • 재림론=Advent
  • 역사론=History
Wah, now my blog has korean words also hahaha... truly getting international... :D

Writing a Will for my Blog
I am not sure how much "trouble" I might be getting myself into but if this group is indeed the chosen people and the group leader is the Messiah, then they will fear nothing as there is nothing wrong proclaiming the righteous and the truth. With that being said... if my blog disappears from the face of this internet, then you will know what happened... maybe my blog is hacked into... looks like I need to do backup.

Rest Coming to an End
Argghhh! The long weekend is coming to an end, will be back to work tomorrow! Have not had enough rest, especially since I am sick most of the time, sighhhh...


Cult Research Begins

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Finally got myself seated down to really seriously research on cults... have been procrastinating for weeks now.

Resources on helping people from cults are abound on the internet but not specific information on the cult I am researching on... In the end, I found myself ploughing through websites in English, Chinese and Korean and even visited the Interpol website as well as the Korean National Police Agency to investigate allegations of sexual crimes made against the group's leader. All at the same time, as much as I want to find "proof" that this is indeed a cult, I am also trying to remain open and consider defenses. However, majority of the information on the cult seems to be more negative than positive and the group don't even have substantial web presence (they had websites but these were taken down).

Who Determines?
To be frank, I had once asked: "how do we decide if one group is a cult and one group isn't? Aren't we using our own finite minds to judge others? What if (I was just thinking what if) this person is indeed the messiah, wasn't Jesus also persecuted by many when he was here on earht?" but the more I read about the group on the internet, the more I believe this person to not be the messiah.

Allegations of Sexual Crimes
  • He has countless allegations made against him of sexual abuse of female followers, and if this is indeed true then this is really unholy behaviour and how can a messiah engage in such unholy behvaiour? Such allegations and testimonies against him litter the internet, newspapers etc and it was also reported that he is also being wanted by the Interpol and Korean National Police Agency.
  • Taipei Times (12 nov 2001) - "Chung Myung-seok, founder of the South Korean Jesus Morning Star Church, is suspected of sexually assaulting his female followers... The Jesus Morning Star Church has been surrounded by controversy since it came to Taiwan several years ago... Chung is wanted in South Korea on charges of sexual assault."
  • Taipei Times (16 Oct 2005) - "The church's chief pastor in Taiwan Lin Huei-chuan (林暉川) yesterday denied media reports that the church recruited new members by holding beauty competitions in university campuses and through its football teams for sexual purposes. Chung Myung-seok (鄭明析), founder of the South Korean Jesus Morning Star Church (南韓攝理教會), has been wanted by police in South Korea and Taiwan for 10 years for sexually assaulting his female followers."
  • The China Post (11 Dec 2001) - "Victims of alleged sexual harassments by Cheng Myong Suk, founder of the Jesus Morning Star (JMS) sect in South Korea said they will officially file charges against Cheng and Huang Ching-yuan, a Taiwan pastor and spokesman for the religious group, today at the Taipei District Court."
  • Lian He Wan Bao (13 Oct 2005) - Mentioned how the group uses cultural programmes and soccer to lure people into the group and how recruitment for female models are like finding "sexual prey" for the leader.
  • I can't find "Jung" on the Iinterpol website and antiJMS sites stated that the Interpol website mentioned that not all fugitives are listed on the website. Anyway, visited the Korean National Police Agency and on their visitors' board it states:

    8 Dec 2005 - "Thank you for your visiting our homepage. Please be informed that Jung Myoung Seok has been wanted on the charge of rape by Daejeon District Prosecutors' Office and Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office since 30 June, 2001. Jung Myoung Seok has been a fugitive and police has been continously trying to arrest him. Thank you."

    26 Sep 2003 - "Thank you for your visiting Korean National Police Agency. We inform you that the suspect, Myung Sok JUNG (DOB : 17 February 1945, male ) is wanted for charge of rape, etc. by Seoul District Prosecutor's Office(Foreign Affairs Division, prosecutor's name : LEE Yong Min, contact phone no. : 82-2-530-4821∼2) Seoul Interpol requested the suspect's deportation to Hongkong Interpol on 1 July 2003. The suspect was arrested for illegal stay in Hongkong, China by Hongkong Immigration Department on 9 July 2003 but released on bail after 3 days. Hongkong Immigration Department approved the exit order for Korea against Myung Sok JUNG. However, the suspect disappeared since he appealed dissatisfaction to Immigration Department on 1 August 2003. Hongkong police cancelled the bail against the suspect and are searching for him after registering the suspect on watching lists. Thank you very much for your consistant cooperation."

    11 Mar 2004 - "- Thank you for visiting our homepage. Jung myung sok, founder of JMS, is wanted on charge of violations of Korean laws by Korean law enforcement and also wanted by Interpol member countries(181 countries). Best regards. end Ip Seoul"

    I do hope these entries are not forged.
Unholy Interpretation of Bible
  • The Japan Times (27 Oct 2002): "Jong has twisted the biblical story of Adam and Eve to deal with sex, saying, 'To atone for Adam and Eve's original sin, which was visited upon all mankind, it's necessary to engage in intercourse with the Lord.' In this case, he means himself, since he claims to be a reincarnation of Jesus."
  • There is an emphasis on Jung being the Messiah and on providence. FACTNet (http://www.factnet.org/discus/messages/3/986.html) says:

    "An evolution of the relationship between God and man/women.
    In the old testiment the relationship between God and man was one of Master / Servent
    In the new Testiment the relationship was that of Father / Son.

    Providence now reveal that we have reached the next step in the evolution of our relationship with God. The relationship has now become that of equal lovers. The founder claims he is a Virgin."

  • The group also advocates 30 principles which is taught to all followers in stages. According to FACTNet (http://www.factnet.org/discus/messages/3/986.html):

    "A bible study course is undertaken by new recruits, 30 lessons are covered over a period of several months. Students are not ALLOWED to take the material home with them, nor are they allowed to read ahead. Towards the end of the 30 lessons, the student is asked something like, "So have you worked out who the new Messiah is???" the student then believes that they have come to the conclusion themselves that Jung Myung Seok is the new Messiah....

    Members are not allowed to "date" either inside or outside the group. Once a member has completed the 3 lessons AND brought 3 new people into they group, they are ALLOWED to get married.

    For members "allowed" to marry, an event is held where members can ask potential mates a few basic questions. Once they find a suitable partner, they appear before the leader who either grants or refuses their request to marry, based on what God tells him. I know one girl who met her husband on 4 brief occassions before marrying him. A group wedding is held for the lucky couples, no family members welcome.

    I know of members who I believe are kept financially dependent on the group. Some hold no jobs, others part time jobs. One girl I know has an outstanding credit card debt and I imagine no resources or opportunity to pay it back. Singing and dancing for God are higher priorities. "

  • I am trying to get hold of the 30 lessons and study it but then I seem to only be able to get the chinese version.
Identifying a Potentially Unsafe Group / Leader (http://www.rickross.com/warningsigns.html)
  • Group - Authoritarianism with no accountability
  • Group - No financial disclosure of budget and expenses etc (Safe group will tell you more than you want to know)
  • Group - Testimonies by former members of abuse and grievances
  • Group - Trail of bad track record on internet, TV, news, books etc
  • Leader - Group leader is always right and is exclusive means of knowing truth
  • Ideology - No tolerance for questions / critical thinking (Safe groups answer questions without being punitive or judgemental)
  • Ideology - Fear of outside world (Safe groups encourage interaction with family, friends, community etc)
  • Ideology - Leaving is frowned upon and those who left are viewed as evil, group frowns upon contact with them (Safe groups recognize that there will be disgruntled former members and will not forbid other members from having contact)
  • Ideology - Followers feel they "never be good enough"
Identifying Unsafe Involvement in Unsafe Group (http://www.rickross.com/warningsigns.html)
  • Behvaiour - Obsessiveness
  • Behaviour - Mirroring mannerisms
  • Behaviour - Inability to think critically, independently without group/leader
  • Behaviour - Isolation from outside world /family unless they show interest in group/leader
  • Ideology - Fused identity with group and leader
  • Ideology - Questioning group / leader = persecution
  • Ideology - Anything the leader does is justified no matter how harsh or harmful
  • Ideology - Former followers = evil
Conclusion: A safe group will be patient with your decision making process. If a group or leader grows angry and anxious just because you want to make an informed and careful decision before joining; beware.

Working with People from Cults
  • Remaining Calm & Understanding - It might be a misunderstanding and remember that any behaviour e.g. hostile might be a manifestation of the group's ideology and behaviour not the person's own behaviour.
  • Doing Your Homework - Investigate thoroughly and discretely on the group e.g. criminal record and on cults in general. Check source for reliability. Understand group's beliefs, demands, practices as well as taboos
  • Concerted Effort - inform and discuss issue with family members and/or those close to them, engage someone else who is not personally involved, objective but knowledgeable. Confidentiality is crucial because if news goes back to group, they might "fight back" by disallowing contact
  • Maintaining Link with Outside World - demonstrate unconditional love and commitment as this also helps to link them to outside frame of reference to help them evaluate the group. Don't be a pest but let them know there are people who care for them on the outside
  • Do not confront, Do not Denounce (at least initially) - Be careful with the choice of words and avoid words such as "cults", "brainwashed". Remain respectful and recognize differences and show that you have your own beliefs" (Assume everything you say will be repeated to the group/leader and maybe used as ammunition against you). Ask open-ended, thought-provoking questions and be a good listener e.g. ask about daily life
  • File - file research, correspondences etc
  • Invitation to Group Activities - attend, if necessary, only the open services (and not intensive training sessions etc) to demonstrate reasonable attitude
  • Doubts - Handle "transitory" doubts that the person might have about the group carefully... be a good listener and take no position at first... if doubts continue, can start by sharing info and allowing space to the person e.g. "Some people shared these info, would you like to see it?" "It's OK, the info is here if you would like to have a look". Easier to share info on group similar to theirs so they can see what is wrong rather than presenting info that blatantly "attacks" their group
  • Support - provide on-going support and link person to professional / support-group if possible. Avoid "I told you so" attitude. Provide support to significant others as well e.g. family.
Oh yah, managed to find a photo of the portrait I mentioned in my blog entry on my visit to the group. Here it is:

As I continue to read on cults, I find that there are so many around... which makes it real scary. What is scary is how some leaders of these cults are making use of these groups to serve their own agenda at the expense of others, sometimes even harming others... why isn't anything done about them?

Monday, January 30, 2006


The Paradox of Relationships

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What a paradox... one can hate someone so much but yet still care so much for the other person. hmmm... a paradox a paradox.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Preparing for the New Year

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Off the Moustache
Was trying to keep this moustache for an upcoming dinner and dance, but guess I am not used to having a moustache and somehow it doesn't look nice. So I have decided... off it goes and now it's gone. Definitely look younger now hehehe...

Spring Cleaning
Was supposed to do spring cleaning yesterday to prepare the home for new year but somehow procrastinated till 8 in the evening... somehow I was just so mentally tired I just laid around for the whole day, not doing much. By 11pm, managed to clear a bit of the clutter of bags lying around in the living room (I am one of the culprits for that :D) and threw away lots of old bills and unwanted leaflets etc.

In the afternoon, I had also done a bit of spring cleaning of my email box and decided that I should start a address book of friends I would like to keep in touch with, and added their email address to my outlook address book. I literally went through all my emails in outlook and thought through very carefully who I wanted to keep in touch with and who I didn't want to remain in contact (mainly people I feel I couldn't trust).

Challenging Year Ahead
Just this week, I heard a piece of "not-so-good" news and I hope this year will not get more challenging. Heard from my mum that she has resigned from her job and that makes both my mum and dad not working, and with my sis still studying, that leaves me as the only one working. Guess, I have to start praying that my mum will find another job soon. Meanwhile, I will just have to made adjustments and try to save as much as possible, just in case... Had wanted to buy a new handphone but guess I will put that on hold now... just not a necessity.

"No Visitation" Policy
I have decided that I will not go for any Chinese New Year visitations because I just don't see the need anymore. I am not particularly close to my relatives and just feel out of place everytime I go to their homes. And since I am approaching 30, they will start asking when I will get married and why am I getting fatter that sort of stuff... thanks but no thanks... anyway, I was feeling real horrible today since I am down with flu (must be all the dust from yesterday's spring cleaning that has caused me to sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and all the new year goodies I have started to indulge myself through the week). So went home to rest after church service. Did take a walk around my town centre though and it was so deserted...

Where's everyone?
Quiet Quiet Town Centre...

Saw this outside Downtown East
"Lion Dance Plucking Green"? (Think they referring to "Cai Qing")
Careful not to wear green or the lion will come "pluck" you :D


Welcoming the "Wang Wang" Year!

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Somehow don't feel much excitement about Lunar New Year this year but then it is nonetheless the start of a new year and hopefully one with many good things to come.

Here I wish everyone:



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