This or That?
Work Ministry
Work has been going real fine so far. In fact, it is going far too well... (Picture" Feedback Form:Excellent" by kikashi)
- ... design a thank you letter template,
- ... mail merge more than 150 thank you letters for last year's major fundraising project,
- ... finish an 8-page progress report for Nov and Dec 2007,
- ... complete the fourth quarter report,
- ... researching on possible criteria which will be used for an upcoming NCSS audit check,
- ... finish preparing for an upcoming NCSS audit check by going through every one of the code of governance issued by the Charity Council and preparing a summary review report and compiling relevant forms, workflows, reports for the audit and also
- ... completed a debrief for last year's fundraising project with a colleague.
Two: as I compile my Nov-Dec progress report, it is amazing how much was achieved in that 2 months despite it being a very difficult period I was going through, with health problems, father's medical problem and ministry struggles, so much so the report was 8 pages long. I have come to realise how much God had blessed my work ministry.
Three: I had been asked by NVPC to be a guest speaker on volunteer management in one of the upcoming sharing sessions and this is yet again another affirmation of my achievements at work, thanks to God.
Four: My boss spoke to me briefly on Tuesday and asked me about my career aspirations, asking me how I felt about my designation "Volunteer Coordinator"? Well, frankly, I do sometimes think about the title "Volunteer Coordinator" and although I am a person who works for job satisfaction more than title, it would be nice of course to have a nicer job title; one which people will not associate as being an entry level job, one which would be an nice affirmation of my work. But then again, it is just a title after all. I am kindly of torn between wanting a title "upgrade" versus keeping status quo. I did share with my boss that although it would be nice to have an "upgraded" job title, I do also agree that having the "Volunteer Coordinator" title might make it easier for people to relate to me; not feeling I am like some person working "high up there" who does not understand the ground level. Well, I am just leaving it to my boss and to where God leads me... if there is indeed a title "upgrade" then I will gracefully accept it. If there is none, it is fine with me too.
But one thing is that I am becoming to be aware of a little bit of politics here and there and pray that God will just heal broken work relationships and also work with the politics. I hate to see such stuff.
I am also praying that the upcoming by NCSS will go well because although I am confident that my organisation is focused on its mission but there is always the fear in me that I will be disappointed. With all the scandals in the charity sector, I just do not wish my organisation to be one of them. But I am still positive our organisation will fare well in the audit.
"Spiritual" Ministry
All these blessings at my work ministry has somewhat made me wonder why does God bless one ministry but allow my cell ministry to still be in a bad shape? To this day, I am still lost and do not know where God is leading me in cell ministry. Is the calling to reach out to the backslided, misled and broken-hearted my calling or the cell's calling? Or is it that I am misreading it all together? Tuesday's staff devotion was on "Beware of Open Doors" and it is just making me confused with regards to the calling. I have been asking for God's affirmation and in Quiet Time over the past few days, God seem to have spoken affirmative to it. Is God speaking? Am I reading too much? I did ask my cell to pray about it and we will discuss it on Friday. I do pray that God will also affirm the calling through them, if this is the direction for this cell.
In other aspects of spiritual growth, seem to be doing rather well... I did make a resolution that I will try to have quiet time every morning but then up till now, I have not been successful in waking up at 7am. But then, thanks to a friend who dedicatedly sends a bible reading plan everyday through SMS, I have managed to have a bit of QT on the bus on my way to work. So far, I have been rather successful in doing my QT based on that reading plan while on the bus. But the joke is that everytime I do my QT, I will usually end up accidentally making a call to my friend because his SMS is left open while I read the bible. I have also managed to put together a prayer list and boy do I have a lot of people on the list.
At staff devotion, I am really glad that we are back on track on our weekly devotion and it is really encouraging to see my colleague who recently accepted Christ joining us more regularly now for devotion. However, seeing that a couple of my colleagues not being able to join us at the devotion has somewhat affected me. On one hand, I am concerned but on the other hand, I struggle with talking to them about it. It is like that at work place and it is also like that for cell. Boy am I rather disappointed with myself. But in the meantime, I am still praying for them.
God In Control
Looking back at my life, could it be that God has His plans that things in my life seems to fit together?:
- It is true that my early training in IT and my social work training in university has helped me excel in my current work by giving me the ability to be systemic and establish systems in the social services
- It is true that my work experience as a medical social worker and subsequently as an executive in a professional association has exposed me to both macro and direct social work that has helped me in my current work
- It seems that God had sent my guardian angel into my department (although she has already left now) to just help me bond with my department. Since I am seated alone and away from my department, I could have easily been forgotten and isolated from my department but my guardian angel, with her cheerful nature, seem to have helped me grow closer to my department by always remembering me and popping by
- It seems that God has brought me through some past bad experiences so that I can minister to people with similar experiences
Anyway, I think chances are that she does not like me. When parting ways, she suggested that maybe we could have steamboat with another three other cell friends later in the day. However, all 3 could not make it and so I suggested that maybe we can catch a movie and have dinner. But she declined. Anyway, since it is unlikely I will take the initiative, I think I am just gonna give up. Anyway, don't want to jeopardize anything, so gonna keep things the way it is.
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