Venturing Forth
Just at a time when I was getting real disappointed at work at how it seems to be almost impossible to develop further my organisation's volunteer management system, there seems to be a glimpse of hope. At today's volunteer management meeting, I decided to try something different and instead of doing a mini training/sharing on volunteer management, I decided to work group discussions into the meeting. I thank God for a good and fruitful meeting with plenty of sharing and brainstorming.
Yeah, I will be going for my first missions trip this April. Will be away for 2 weeks. At the missions meeting yesterday, I began to understand more about what we are going to do there. However, I am also starting to have concerns whether I will be able to survive the relatively harsher living conditions, whether I will be physically fit enough for the trip, whether I will be needed to socialise (since I am such an introvert). Arghhh, just go in faith...
I have just been informed that church has gave instructions that we stop all forms of communication with a sister-in-christ (the one who I lost my cool with) because they felt she is facing some issues and is "stalking" another sister-in-christ. I have taken heed and have not respond to her messages but sometimes just feel sorry for her... but I guess what has to be done has to be done... all I can do is continue to pray for her healing.
Dad's diabetes condition has gotten worse and now he has to use insulin injections... sighhh... somehow he does not listen one and just doesn't take care of himself... now need to save more money to anticipate higher expenses on medicine etc...
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