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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Working my tummy hard!

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Took a good mental break yesterday but really worked my tummy hard :D

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Yesterday was my official last day at my previous workplace and I took a short getaway to JB with 2 of my ex-colleagues. Woke up early in the morning and made my way to Kranji MRT to meet them. Finally get to go on a trip with my dear colleague; used to be very difficult in the past as we both could not take leave together; we had to cover each others' duties whenever one goes on leave.

Anyway, it was a smooth journey and with light traffic on the causeway, we were overseas within minutes! OK, though it is only across the border, I still thought that the little getaway did help. At least, for that few hours, I seemed to have left all my troubles behind in the land across the border. I am now in a foreign land, where no one knows me, where I can get to experience a slightly different culture and of course make my currency work doubly hard for me. *BIG GRIN*

Upon exiting the Malaysian checkpoint, we were immediately approached by several "unlicensed" taxi drivers who offered to take us to our destination. There was this one rude driver who scolded us and shouted "Hao Xin Mei You Hao Bao" (Mandarin translated into "Good person not repaid with goodness") when we declined to take his cab.

Anyway, our spirits were not dampened and since we were too early to go shopping, we made our way to Komtar shopping complex to have our breakfast... wow, wrong move, shouldn't have taken rice early in the morning at 10 plus. No wonder my tummy was like bloated the whole day.

Anyway, we had "mixed rice", Malaysian style. 3 of us really ate a whole lot of food... Unlike Singapore, the mixed rice store there allows you to serve yourself and determine the size of your portion of serving. They will charge you based on the number of dishes (not the portion) you took. Anyway, "moderation" shall be the key word I shall keep reminding myself and rice as breakfast is a definite "no-no". I was walking around with this big big tummy, feeling bloated... feeling like pregnant :D

We then proceeded to do some shopping in City Square next door for the next few hours. My foot was nearly giving way after visiting boutique after boutique with my other 2 travel-mates... hahaha, anyway I never had the intention of buying any clothes here, maybe just spend on food. By lunch-time, we were still so full (thanks to the rice we taken as brunch :D), so we postponed lunch till about 2pm. After that, we took a cab to Holiday Plaza where the shopping spree continued. It started raining heavily the moment we got off the cab at Holiday Plaza (guess we will be stuck here for sometime). I spent a fair bit on buying some local products and snacks for my family. We ate some ice-cream (eating yet again) before we left the place.

We took a cab back to City Square where we "da bao" some nasi briyani for dinner and made our way to the causeway. On our way there, we passed by the "Factory Outlet Store" where I bought 2 long-sleeve shirts for my new job at S$8 each, cheap cheap :D but ironically, the shirst were made in Singapore :D

The way back was long... Think I should have taken some 2 hours plus to get across the jammed pack causeway, taking the bus to Kranji and train, followed by feeder bus back home. Immediately collapsed to rest once I got home... I was still so full that I put off eating my nasi briyani until about 10pm, but I was still full! :)

Anyway, I skipped the church-wide prayer meeting today coz I could not make it back in Singapore in time. I felt guilty but then somehow was too tired to travel to the other side of Singapore for it. I was also smelling from the whole day of perspiration.


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