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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Ice Cream Egg!

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Looks like my "disciplined" life is taking off...

Managed to continue with day 2 of my exercise routine and ouch! my muscles are really beginning to hurt... at least signs that I am really working out right? :D Hehehe... looks like the exercises I did in the past did not really help, just focused on the numbers of repetition I did for each exercise, not the quality. Now, at least, whenever doing exercise like crunches and push up, I usually stop in between each muscle movement to feel the resistance...

Later in the day, met my friend for steamboat-teppanyaki-ice cream buffet in orchard cineleisure. Hehehe, you should see my sister's face when she knew that I was going for buffet; she asked "what's the point of doing exercise when you basically stuff yourself with food? Actually true hor, but then thinking about it, I only have a few days more to basically pamper myself before I start work next week so just go ahead la. Managed to find a 15% sms discount voucher from the internet but somehow the staff seems blur when I presented it to them... had to make a few phonecalls to verify the "offer" before they gave me the go-ahead to starting staffing myself with food :) Anyway, dunno if it is psychological or not but then now quite conscious about the food I take (guess my sister's puzzled face became etched in my mind everytime I eat something unhealthy). Unlike last time, I found myself eating more from the steamboat pot rather than the teppanyaki pot (which was full of oil; my friend put quite a generous serving of butter into it).


I also ate relatively less; at least I wasn't stuffing myself "to the brim" so much so I find problem walking hehehe. Also ate more vegetable. Here's my ice-cream egg which I created at the "fried ice-cream buffet", cool ah :)

"My ice-cream egg"

In line with my "healthy lifestyle", I also suggested going cycling with my friend tomorrow afternoon (haven't cycled for long) and also decided to take the stairs rather than the lift when I go home everyday. OK, hope I can sustain this kind of lifestyle and stay disciplined.

Earlier in the day, I was also reading others' blog on the net. Received a link from my friend to one particular blog. Apprently, it seems that this blog made it to news before but somehow I missed it. Anyway, was reading it and enjoyed it a great deal! Even though there is a generous helping of vulgarities and references to male and female sexual organs (in Hokkien) in the blog, I somehow enjoyed the way the blog is written... funny and candid. Find that Rockson (the blogger) adopts a very interesting and clever angle of looking at social phenomena, interweaving his daily life with his personal interpretation of these phenomena... something worth reading... do take care though if you take a solemn approach to life and gets offended by vulgarities... if so, be prepared to be haunted by the blog... *sinister laughter fading off in background*

I must admit that I was jealous how this blogger could write in such a captivating way but then again, I came to realize that my blog is also "one-of-its-kind" and I shan't be ashamed of it :)

Food for Thought: Ever realize that you are constantly surrounded by slimming advertisements and slimming products, brain-washing you that "being thin is beautiful and wonderful, being fat is horrible and shameful". We know that being fat is usually equated to being lazy and unhealthy but does being thin necessarily mean one is healthy? Just watch TV and count the number of times a slimming advert appears... definitely much more than in the past... No wonder we have more "depressed" people now... unhappy with their bodies...


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