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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 08, 2008


Seeing God @ Work Again

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Of course God is at work at every moment in time but then after weeks and weeks of feeling distanced from God, I am beginning to see God at work again in my life and this really made me excited...

Starting from the morning. We had devotion today and we were being updated about the Myanmar Cyclone Disaster and thank God for the watching over the children of one of our homes in Yangon, Myanmar. Just a couple of weeks ago, our organisation had just completed building the new building for the home and the beneficiaries moved into the new building from the old building, which, I think was over a century old. And then the came the cyclone which hit Yangon. We really give thanks to God for watching over the children.

Then, after the devotion, I again witnessed how God works yet again in my work ministry. For many times, whenever I needed a volunteer, God provides. This time round, I had been thinking about shooting a short video to showcase the volunteer opportunities in my organisation and started to think where I can get volunteers to help me with that. Then, right after the devotion, I received a call from a lady who used to work in a media ministry with another Christian organisation. She was calling on behalf of another friend who was looking to showcase the work of our volunteers in his video production. And I was able to share with her my volunteer needs in this area and she agreed to help me look into it :D

Then, in the afternoon, her friend called me and it turned out that this guy, the executive producer, is actually is mediacorp artiste. It was really funny hearing the voice of this artiste over the phone and we agreed to meet later that afternoon to discuss further. Well, he came to my office and we talked and it was, wow, so exciting because this is the first time I am talking to a mediacorp artiste at such close proximity and also for such an extended time. He, despite the tough and fierce character he always portrays on TV, is actually a very friendly guy. Also a Christian, he talked passionately about his video production and how he is looking for people to help portray positive values to inspire people. This will be broadcasted over TV sometime soon. OK, this kind of made my day quite a memorable one. Just before we parted ways, I mustered up courage and actually asked if he would help me in any way with my video production to showcase volunteer opportunities in my organisation and to my surprise, he said he would help and might even get his son to come in to help :D Thank God!

Then, I was also starting to work together with my colleagues to put together a fundraiser event for the Myanmar Cyclone Disaster Relief next week. Things had to move quickly. This is my first time involved in a disaster relief programme and the project made it necessary to mobilize volunteers within a short span of time. While it is exciting, it is also challenging. But as I pondered, I have come to realise how God has blessed our organisation with a colleague and brother-in-christ, who worked closely with me, and we now have two systems which made mobilizing volunteers and managing them a breeze. It just took a little setting up and configuration and we are good to go... Then, God also brought people into my path, 1 corporate volunteer, 2 student bodies and also 1 school who expressed interest in helping with the upcoming fundraising project. If they were to come on board, then that would make recruitment of volunteers easier. Thank God for that.

Then, it seems like more and more centres are coming on board to use my "services" in volunteer management; centres which traditionally did not engage much volunteers and this is really getting exciting. I hope my work is paying off and the organisation is slowly becoming more volunteer-friendly as people believe in the value of volunteerism and how it helps our organisation achieve our mission. So I thank God for that and how I had also been affirmed by the in-charge of this centre.


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