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We are all discoverers... travelling the world, learning its truths, its people and its meanings every single day. Grab your backpacks and let's embark on this journey of mine, one that holds a lot of meaning to me... Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, December 05, 2005


Topsy Turvy World

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Sometimes, I just can't help but feel that the world is coming to an end... there are things which are happening around us that is getting more chaotic and absurd...

Just today, I just saw a news item about 2 secondary school students being attacked by parang knives, with one having his palm hacked off and another had his head injured by the parang. This, in Singapore! But sometimes, we really can't blame when the media has a part to play for it but still refuses to act responsibly, quoting "we are just producing what our customers want to see". I have enough of lamenting about the standards of local TV and won't go into great depths about it.

Take today's last episode of "Tong Xin Yuan" for example, it is the most lame show I have ever watched; not that I am a great fan of the series but I was half awake half asleep from a bad day and the show managed to shock me awake. Not only did it seemed to be rushing through the plot so that they can end with this episode, with unbelievable things happening; too coincidental, too fast, too stupid! Then the whole show was about killing, killing, killing... ironically at the end, the last statement spoke by the actor is "hope everyone in the world will have a "common heart" and live peacefully together". Huh!


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