I'm Back!
Boomerang by Marzie
Back in Action!
Just like a boomerang, I am back in action! Have MIA-ed for almost 2 months now... The past 2 months can be described as busy busy busy and at least 2 people have recently told me that I look different, somewhat troubled and quieter. Guess my work has been getting the better of me. Sad to say, work is getting unbearable and my priorities in life seems to be changing; spiritually I seem to be drifting further and further from God (not something I am very thrilled about) and I am trying my best to turn the situation around.
Work Woes
Anyway, I am making a conscious effort to not gripe about my work anymore and also do something to help myself cope with work. For one, I am making conscious efforts to try to say "no" so I will stop piling work on myself. Just last week, I called an EXCO member who I am helping out as a volunteer in her team and indicated my wish to play a more supportive role rather than lead a team... 3 days ago, I received a sms from my church choir asking if I am still keen to join (yeah!) but sadly, I had to decline as I wasn't sure I can cope handling my current workload while continuing to help out in some volunteer committees and having choir practice to attend every week. I am already stagnating in my spiritual growth and am so mentally tired I just wish to just stop and take stock (and of course a breather).
I have also decided just hours ago that I am going to stop recruitment of new volunteers for my organisation since my centres seem to be so slow in following-up with volunteers; I have to deal with new volunteers while having volunteers already referred out contacting me yet again to find out the status of their placement. Don't really like the idea of having to pick up the pieces when others are slow in handling their work which makes me look real inefficient. Projects and applications are piling real sky-high and I really don't like going to work everyday, operating in a mode to survive and clearing work to survive. But yet, surprisingly, I like my job... OK, stop griping.
Over the next few days, I am going to update the "lost" entries for the last few weeks.
heya codfishy... glad you're back. sounds like you've been having a very trying time at work. think u need to relax and let go a little. when u say 'i can't do it, God says 'You can do all things' Phil 4:!3, when you say 'I'm too tired' God says 'I will give you rest' Matt 11:28-30. when you say 'I can't manage' God says 'I will supply all your needs' Phil 4:19, when you say 'I'm always worried and frustrated' God says 'Cast your cares on Me' 1 Peter 5:7.
From experience, I know that when I let go and let God, things turn out AOK. Even if the situation doesn't change, my perspective of it changes and it no longer seems daunting or hopeless cos I know that in Him i have hope. In Him I have peace. In Him I have a faithful God, Father and friend.
Codfishy, I know it's tiring and frustrating... So i pray that the Lord will comfort you and be with you. That He will make your paths straight. That you will lean on His understanding. That you will trust Him 100% with your life. We have an Almighty Father who will NEVER fail us. That we can be certain.
Hang in there! God will make a way for you... in fact I'm sure He's paving it this very instant. =)
~the one who's fascinate by the stitch on your work table
8:37 AM
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