His Love Endures Forever
Praise God for His love endures forever!
Thank God that I had been able to pull through this week. Beginning with Monday, I fell sick and remain sick for the most of the week. And then KM was struggling with her assignment and stayed up for nights to try to complete it; it doesn't feel good at all to see her struggling as such but all I can do is just to encourage her on. Then on Friday, I was struggling badly at work, attending to many different things so much so I felt so many things weighing down on me and hard pressed for time.
It was like: I was doing this and then remembered I have to do that and then someone comes and ask if I can do another thing only to remember that I have yet another thing to do before an event next week, while worrying for a student's project which seem to have no news and then finally hearing from the student and then a call comes and needed to follow-up with something else while deep in my mind I remember I have 5 other volunteer applications I have not followed-up with. And finally as I tried to wind down the day and was worried what I was going to cover for cell, boss suddenly called for a short meeting... It was a totally nerve-wrecking day but then I thank God He sustained me through and by the end of the day, I realised how much I have completed at work (though there remains much more to be done). I thank God how He has even blessed me with a colleague who gave me a lift to the train station after the meeting.
By evening time yesterday, I was very worried because I was not sure what I was going to cover that evening. Although I had thought that I am going do a reflection exercise to get the cell to reflect on their current state of spiritual walk, I just somehow felt it did not quite fit in with the current week's discussion topic. I struggled between covering the week's discussion topic on witnessing and testimony or doing the reflection exercise. Then, having been sick most of the week, I wasn't able to prepare much so by the time I got off work, I was totally clueless what I was going to cover. Then, I knew that KM has stayed up the whole night to rush her paper and I was also not feeling too good either and with a early morning excursion the next morning, I had thought that I will not have the luxury of time to do both the week's discussion topic and the reflection exercise. Then, I heard how KM's mother was worried about her not having enough sleep and I started to wonder if I had been too insensitive to continue to have cell group at her house despite her not having enough rest. Then, I also knew that my former cell leader is back in Singapore and will be visiting my cell tonight and this kind of got me in a frenzy because somehow I always seem to be trapper in a "supervisor-supervisee" relationship with her and I seem to always be afraid of her while she can sometimes also be critical of me. I was worried about it. Then, I learnt that 2 new-comers will be coming and so is my Area Overseer coming. So with all these, I was starting to get more and more worried and started to pray as I made my way to cell. Somehow, I trusted God will guide me through the evening.
And so He did. I thank God for:
- Giving me the opportunity to study His word and preparing for the discussion, sensing in my heart how I was to continue with the week's discussion topic on witnessing and testimony and putting on hold my reflection exercise;
- Leading me to different parts of the scriptures and speaking to me and helping me to not only read but also understand His word and how it relates to the topics;
- Continuing to bring me verses, without fail, each week, and how these always is consistent with the topic of discussion that week: this week's is Psalm 107;
- Allowing me to not only have time to prepare on the bus but also got a little rest and even managed to find time to buy refreshments, dinner and even run an errand for KM, who was taking a break at home after the gruelling assignment;
- how people just clicked yesterday and participated despite having new faces and how even the newcomer shared his testimony;
- how I saw happy faces on some of my cell members which reminds me how God has placed this cell together for a purpose of restoring its members and how I see the hands of God at work, bringing joy back into the lives of these members;
- how I was confident during the whole session yesterday and was able to carry through the session and how things just flowed;
- using the session yesterday to encourage each other and show how real God is through the testimonies shared by all the members. It was the first time hearing some of them share their testimonies and some of the testimonies were just so amazing how God had worked in the lives of the various members, speaking very clearly to them in an audible voice during crisis, answering prayers, bringing people into their paths to minister to them and even how an aetheist even accepted the Lord, it was just so powerful;
- bringing my former leader back to cell and how it was so amazing how with the right timing, I was able to share my testimony, which was linked to hers and also another members' testimony was linked to mine. It was amazing hearing the testimony of the one who brought me back to Christ and also the testimony of the one who I have helped brought back to Christ;
- the encouragement my former leader gave to me about how cell went well;
- grace even though my former leader started to point out how something could be "better" done which started me make me feel all defensive and, at one point in time, makes me go internally "I hope you will respect my leadership of this cell and stop being critical of me". But then I am glad at the end, we were able to exercise grace to each other and apologized for our actions.
In addition, I thank God for:
- Granting another friend, who God has sent into my life to minister to, with a job and how she seem so happy;
- Ministering to another friend through the pulpit on last Sunday. When I saw this friend enter the sanctuary and then walk to sit in front and later heard what was preached at the pulpit, I went "Thank you Lord for always speaking to my friends and cell members always at the right seasons";
- Using me to provide comfort to a friend last week even though all I did was wish him happy birthday;
- Always working in marvelous ways even though some situations seem very tricky. But things eventually worked out in marvelous ways and you always draw people back to you through these incidents. You always ministers through me and KM and guide us with wisdom of things to say and do. Thank you Lord for allowing us to participate in your ministry and for helping people to open up to use whenever they need help.
- continuing to bless me at my work ministry and how I have fared well in my recent work appraisal;
- continuing to bless me even in other areas and giving me honour as my college asked for a writeup on myself to be featured on the website. To me, I did not feel myself as anyone successful but you have honoured me.
- continuing to help me accomplish many things and how you have helped me to successfully troubleshoot a tricky email server issue for my association despite me not having the technical expertise to begin with. But things eventually worked out.
Thank you Lord!

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